Asbo Zappruder

I got the conundrum last night! That never happens so I have to crow about it, even here where no one will ever see it.

You sure? I was under the impression it’s simply income (Miscellaneous income, to be specific), not short term capital gains. (which, admittedly, is taxed at the same rate)

He has hosted for the last 10 years. Guess you haven’t been home sick and turned on the tv in the last decade?

She’s an underrated hero.

presumably triggering an emergency call to the wheel-fixing guy.

Is Drew Carey wearing glasses again because no one would recognize him without them?

Nah, disagree. Both of those episodes gave some insight into the interpersonal relationships of the family. Susan Sarandon’s takedown of Rick in the therapy session was spot on. The Mad Max spoof was a little less impressive (running away from your problems doesn’t solve them, I guess?) I’ll grant you that.

Apparently that was put in the show because Justin Roiland wouldn’t shut up about the stuff. It was more than a quick mention in the episode, though. It was introduced in the beginning of the episode and they had a short conversation about it being a movie tie-in, and then there was an impassioned rant about it at the

Also: It’s clear that Rick isn’t really having any fun being the badass super genius who has sex with space babes. He isn’t happy at all. Why would anyone want to be supposedly cool while never actually being happy?

I can’t believe i actually watched it. I haven’t watched the price is right in years, but i happened to have some free time after class and tuned in right when the first spin hit $100 it was so weird.

I recently had a 10 hour plane ride and downloaded 5 random episodes because I knew, at some point, I was going to want to watch Rick & Morty.

Confession: I’ve wanted to spin this wheel since I was a small child. If I were on The Prince is Right, I would not care about winning, or the games, I would just want to spin that damn wheel.

Playing Plinko might come in at a distant second.

I don’t believe you intentionally can’t believe this is unintentional.

Just the fact that Dawn of Justice did so well is proof that fans were finger banging their ears for an entire movie.

Ask fans of The Lucas Brothers.

The weird thing is the auto-playing videos are only on AV Club - none of the other sites on this network have them, so that’s squarely on AVC.

Are you sure you’re not talking about Game of Thrones? Talk about worshipping assholes! And super-fans analyzing it to death. I saw a 12 minute video (of many) going into the religion, customs and crimes of one family. If you know that much about fictional people you have a serious problem.

Fingers in the ears?

When I first read the headline I said to myself, “I’m a fan... Am I one of the “worst” fans?” After reading, I can say I’m not. I watch the show and laugh and try to get other people to watch the show and laugh. And I even get most of the jokes, including some of the ones based on obscure references and/or knowledge.


I would like to comment on this article but...ya know, the commenting system is fucking atrocious. So now nobody gets to hear my hot take! Suck it kinja!