Asbo Zappruder

I’m thinking somebody in a Simpsons writers’ room whose brain has fried after 18 straight hours of coming up with funny sign gags.

At least Dad Humor is relatively unforced and occasionally funny.

I’m right with you. I do both services. It’s nice.

So that’s it? What, we some kind of...Titular Lines?

I’m having a hard time laughing at these

Because the Gorn is actually Q. Every enemy is Q. E v e r y t h i n g i s Q

In other news, m b v was so damn good.

Great article Alex!

35 years, 5 months after the original (release date: June 1982); I’m not THAT old. I hold it in the same regard as Denis does: the theatrical release may have been fraught with compromises and a pissed-off Ford doing v.o., but any other version seems wrong (see also: Star Wars).

IMHO, they’re different activities, even though both are writing. A novel presents all senses entirely with language and creates an immersive world with the reader, while a film creates more of a set canvas and incorporates elements of the audience’s expecations and sensory perceptions in what is typically a more

Just by clicking publish 4 more ads were added to the page. WTF.

I came to make fun of this movie but after seeing the whitelist request while my adblocker is blocking 34 ads is just fucking ridiculous. You want me to whitelist your page? How about you knock those ads down to the less than 5 area and maybe stop embedding autoplaying videos then I will stop blocking your shit.

Yeah, and I think that’s unfair. You should have at least been given the right to refusal for credit. Fare thee well AJ Via, we hardly knew thee.

If you’d be stunned you ever get published, then you don’t seem worried about the cover art, promotion, or any of the side stuff that would go into a novel. You’re writing to write, either as an exercise to improve or as a form of creative expression - which is great!

I think it really depends on what you’re actually trying to write. If you’ve conceived of the story as being a movie, a book isn’t going to have the same rhythm, and both mediums obviously have their own benefits.

I found this:

As appalling as all this is, you’ve badly misused the word “misogyny.” It’s writers like you that ruin words for the rest of us.

Yeah, this about sums it up. Great job Alex- I enjoyed this article about the trainwreck of this movie more than I enjoyed the movie. It is one of my bucket list wishes to be featured on AV CLub- albeit in a positive way, but, oh well, we take what we can get. Maybe one day I will return, to be proud of my write-up on

You’re doing all you can, I’m sure. But: as disqus is objectively better than Kinja, the best solution would be to look at disqus, and make it work like that.

Doesn’t matter, because Kinja doesn’t give you the option to log in with your legacy account anyway. The options are to connect to facebook, google etc. Same goes for Disqus legacy accounts.