Asbo Zappruder

He’s the Rickest Rick! The answer is: “Don’t think about it.”

I feel like This is 40 tilted a lot more towards the characters being whinier and more petty than what is described here.

They’re missing the rest of that Veggie Tales post, where they say:

This sounds like the actions of someone who does care. In your first post, you mentioned you didn’t care and that it was just like, your opinion, man. Who’s the edgelord now? Jesus fucking christ, it’s exhausting holding a mirror.

Do you need some hugs my dude? You sound like you didn’t get hugged enough.

So long as the villain isn’t the Hand this show will be alright.

You know his editor is black right?

Aw man what a cast though!

I’m black and I think that one of the biggest Youtubers using that word to insult another person - in front of hundreds of thousands of kids, no less -and being able to find support in the public eye for those actions reinforces feelings that African Americans still aren’t equal in the eyes of people.

Oh god I thought for a second Ben was dead in bed for days and she didn’t notice.

Don’t you mean a politicized Letters to Cleo?

Good suggestion but to be completely honest, I can’t watch this movie in my house for one simple reason...I had and still have a suit just like Edwards wore hanging in my attic. The family wants me to get rid of it and I want to be cremated in it.

I am really enjoying this. Keep up with these entries please!

For me I couldn’t get over my assumption that slowly sinking into tar would be very painful.

Saw this in the theater when it came out...spent an OBSENCE amount of money for the VHS tape & of my favorite movies...of all times...and in my top 5 for cinema scores!

The Cold War was between the United States and the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989, roughly.

I can’t get the Disqus version working. I click through and nothing happens. It’d be nice not to be put in “pending” every time I post, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.

It was even worse because the scene was a repeat of one from Star Trek 2009 where Spock sees the destruction of Vulcan from its non-existent moon. That scene was one of the more criticized scenes from that movie, and Abrams didn’t learn anything from it.

Despair seems like too strong a word. More like exasperation. I’m just done trying to get a hold of things Nintendo doesn’t want to make enough of. I’ve been doing it for years. They’ve been doing this for years. There’s no reason to think that I’ll be able to get my hands on one any time soon, if ever.

Agreed. The new site is a mess. It was hard enough finding anything the way they had it before, but this might be the final nail in the coffin for me.