Asbo Zappruder

A little bit of background since the article doesn’t really explain the link between the pictures and the charity giving. Nick Kroll was on the show promoting Big Mouth and they discussed the importance of showing kids that everyone goes through an awkward phase while going through puberty, including celebrities. The

I really hope Richard Herring knows about this.

I think it’s more a worldbuilding thing. Saying how ugly the Falcon is shows just how nice most of the ships in the Star Wars universe generally are. The audience only has military vehicles to compare it to so from out point of view, it looks pretty cool.

I think the Republicans are doomed. A week ago I would not have thought that there were people out there that would choose Trump over football but here we are. The people that are left in the Republican party are the ones who are beyond any logical argument and only care about sticking it to liberals.

I’m just so very tired of this. I can’t even relax after this failure because I know they’re going to keep trying. They don’t care about all the people who are in a constant state of anxiety because they don’t know if they’re going to lose their healthcare. They don’t even care about folllowing their own usual


The other great tragedy of the Capaldi era is that they had Chris Addison in several episodes but he and Capaldi never had a scene together.

So you’ve probably already seen him fighting with the briefcase.

Are you watching it as it airs or the digital previews. There’s a part in the third episode that made me laugh and want to hug him at the same time.

Someone tweeted him about doing another The Thick of It season about Brexit and his reaction was something like “Fuck no.”

Any Iannucci project is worth looking at. Can’t wait to see what kind of cast he’s able to pull together this time. There was apparently serious talk about him writing an episode of Doctor Who when Capaldi was on but between Veep and The Death of Stalin, he wasn’t able to fit it in.

How is it that Mark Watson looks younger today than he looks in that clip?

I see it! Congratulations!

This is interesting regarding the specifics of this fandom but I would also add that there’s a similar story for any large fandom. They all have their toxic corners and while you could examine the relationship between individual fandoms and canons, the fact that it’s so common suggests that the biggest issue is human

This is pretty much what I do with all my favorite artists anyway so I don’t know that I’d be able to choose just one. Even the things that don’t do objectively well or are even subjectively not my preferences are usually still valuable in what they mean in my favorite artists’ overall body of work.

RPG Maker Fes update:



So it’s a sequel to My Girl?

I don’t know how the movie will turn out but I highly recommend the book. I hope they include the Mexico radio stuff.