Asbo Zappruder

The only one I’m really interested in is Amy Sedaris’s show. And Falsettos on PBS.

I approve any comment I see that isn’t outright trolling. This means I often approve comments I disagree with so I would ask everyone to keep in mind that approval is not necessarily endorsement. I just recognize that it was mainly luck that I managed to get out the grays.


I loved So Wrong It’s Right. Especially when Lee Mack was on.

“Scary-awesome” I think you meant to type. Also, the 9-minute version is the only proper version. The short one with the blurry dancing really has no reason to exist.

Yes, yes, but when is You Have Been Watching coming back?

I’m pretty sure Weird Al will get some appreciative nods around here.

Thriller was too scary for me when I was younger so mine was Smooth Criminal.

RPG Maker Fes update:

Is this going to be a serious thing or is it going to be something like Dick? Ideally it would the latter but without anyone telling Christian Bale.

It’s a cute show but it does not need to be aired as much as it does. Also, this weekend Cartoon Network aired the original Teen Titans. I had almost forgotten how good it was and became sad about it’s been usurped.

Some companies would use the fact that their product causes a fire as an excuse not to release it. Good on them for bucking the system! But if they really wanted my Street Fighter II nostalgia bucks, they would have released an arcade cabinet and a bowling alley to put it in.

I used a VPN to watch some on the BBC coverage on iPlayer but that’s no longer an option since they changed it. That’s how I discovered indoor cycling which barely got any coverage in the US.

Yes, but his character will not be in future movies and he is unlikely to be part of the promotions.

It’s gotten better now that NBC has several cable channels where they can show other sports but the network prime time spot is still dire. Depending on the sport, a lot of the commentators leave a lot to be desired. And except for swimming, running, gymnastics, or beach volleyball, good luck getting any significant

As someone already mentioned, he was dressed in dark colors in Return of the Jedi. Still, it’s nice to see him getting so much attention for this. Not just because he’s now the sole representation of the original trio but also for constantly showing what a great guy he is.

I get paid tomorrow and have been looking for somewhere to donate to so thanks for the NYT link. I think at some point, when it gets large enough, even a charity organization starts to run like a corporation, with all the structural problems that follow. Finding something with a local focus is usually the best option.

I wonder if Splatoon is considered a violent video game? It does have shooting and splatting but it’s just so cute when it happens.

I’m glad that someone else considers it obvious. I’ll consider it canon from now on.