Asbo Zappruder

I recently got a Switch so I’ve been playing a lot of Mario Kart and Splatoon 2. There are probably better tactical approaches to the latter than running with a roller as far I can go until I get cornered an splatted, but that seem to be the one that works best for me so far.


Thanks everyone who posted in WAYPTW! After a couple of discouraging WOTs, it was nice to see some evidence that we might survive the switch! (And it also means that whenever I get my game done, I’ll still have somewhere to post about it.)

Based on interviews about it, Charlie seems to have intended it to be a happy ending. However, there is a very strong argument that a Charlie Brooker version of “happy” can be fairly skewed.

Thanks! I’ll try but Battle Mode has never been my strong suit.

Just popping in to say it’s nice to see you here. A lot of people have given up so a familiar face and posting are a welcome sight.

That’s another one that’s on my list.

RPG Maker Fes update:

Still here, giving this a shot. Presumably still in the grays. It’s also my birthday and I was thinking it would be a lovely present to get out of the grays.

I appreciate that you guys are checking in with us. It’s a very frustrating transition and having you acknowledge that is helpful.

WOT link for those who can’t find it:

WOT link for those who can’t find it:

WOT link for those who can’t find it:

WOT link for those who can’t find it:

Well, I only found this because it was linked in another article. Which doesn’t exactly bode well for this feature.

Good to hear! Thanks for all your hard work!

I still plan to hang out here. But I'm hoping that extension for Firefox comes out soon.

I'll second that. I've got one that changes every month.

I think less of anyone who uses any emoji in a professional context. And, to continue a rant I started a couple of days ago at work, I also find using six exclamation points in an office memo to be unnecessary.