Asbo Zappruder

Thank you! I'm flattered anyone is interested!

RPG Maker Fes update:

It says it's for the episode "The Big Day." Is that the first episode?

As risque Muppet talk show appearances go, it would be pretty hard to top Jon Stewart asking Miss Piggy if she had a little frog in her throat.

Random observations:
Gerald McRaney got his first ever nomination for This is Us
Kevin Kline got his second ever nomination for Bob's Burgers
How things change: Colbert got a bunch of extra nominations this year since his Showtime is considered a Variety Special giving him 6 altogether

Yes - Charlie also got a Writing nomination.

It's the Emmys. What are you gonna do? But at least that one has a drop down menu where you can click on individual categories.

On the plus side, Ty Burrell is the only acting nod. And I don't think I saw TBBT anywhere.

See my other link.

She's nominated for Fargo but not Leftovers.

Speaking of the Kermit thing, Steve Whitmire wrote a blog post saying he was fired. It's a bit vague but it doesn't sound like it was an amicable split:

Little bits of only a couple thousand votes in the right places. Clinton still won by 3 millions votes which bodes well for the electorate at large. In fact, since 1992, the Republicans have only won the popular vote once, which bodes well for the trend of the country. This is not a trend that Trump will be able to


But he isn't being well-intentioned. He's specifically using an anecdote to try to illustrate one of the ways he feels liberal elites are hurting society. We aren't mocking him because he isn't using the right words, we're mocking him because he's trying to blame liberal cultural elites for his own poor behavior.

I think you're misinterpreting people's reactions to this. We're making fun of Brooks, not the concept of cultural coding. We're making fun of Brooks for conflating new and potentially awkward experiences with cultural coding.

His sandwich story suggests that his interpretation of culture codes are based on faulty reasoning. It's not even his argument - he was writing about a book someone else wrote. He just showed that he didn't understand it.

My favorite is the one where he used Prince Hal from Henry IV to explain how George W. Bush's past meant that he could be a great leader.

Careful, the menu might have some of them foreign words on it.