Asbo Zappruder

I'm not sure what he was trying to illustrate there. If his point was that the fancy sandwich shop was part of a section of society that uses big words to make other people feel insignificant, he doesn't really seem to understand how businesses work. If the person he was with asked the person taking the order what

Any version of The Lion King without Nathan Lane loses my interest. Plus, I'm not keen on watching a realistic lion fall to his death (sorry - spoiler). That said, I'm kind of curious if they're going to include anything from the stage version.


Close enough on all counts.

Not far enough. Keep going.

Try going the other direction.

That's pretty good casting. Although since they're only doing one episode per book, Weaving is only going to appear in the first episode and Cumberbatch won't appear at all. (And "horribly abusive" is actually understating his character.)


This particular production will be shown in some movie theaters as part of National Theatre Live. Nathan Lane is supposed to be particularly good as Roy Cohn. And Russell Tovey is reportedly good as Joe despite that being the casting choice I found most perplexing.

Thank you! It's nice to hear that people are interested! I'll let you know when I have something worth showing.

Thanks! I noticed a lot of people are putting up demo versions of their works in progress so I might do that when I have more to show. My Nintendo username is similar to my name here (Asbo Zapp, specifically) so it'll be pretty easy to know which one is mine.

RPG Maker Fes still. I've got the first few scenes done and created a small village with places to go and people to talk to. The initial party has been introduced and the quest has been assigned. Now to create their first dungeon. Which is probably going to take all weekend with a lot of trial and error getting


RPG Maker Fes - I've got two scenes done and am about to start my first dungeon. I've gotten pretty good at getting things programmed so that the major stuff works on the first try and doesn't get stuck in a loop.

Look, I absolutely love the fact that we're going through a vinyl revival. But I don't think you can call it a "lack of vision" that they stopped. Even if they were able to predict the revival, it would have been insane for them to continue producing the format during the drought. This is basically a story that

Thankfully there are a lot of pre-made things. I enjoy the mapmaking and event creating but I cannot be bothered with trying to create enemy and equipment stats from scratch.

I've been assuming it's a reference to the Paul Simon song. A song which has been forever ruined for me since that horrible baby muppet sang it on The Muppet Show.

It was okay. I got RPG Maker Fes and played with that most of the weekend. I think I got about a minute worth of gameplay created. It'll be months before I have anything worth uploading but I'm enjoying it. It's just about the right level for me plus it's portable.

Nice to see Rupert Graves in the top ten. He's wonderful as Lestrade but credit must also be given to Merchant and Ivory and their penchant for getting him naked.