
from what I've read, this thread's been full of "holy crap they all look great".

Mark, she is a pop singer. Any pop singer's main goal should be to have their music reach as many people as possible. What the fuck else is she supposed to do? Air it on MTV, which no longer airs music videos? As for the "slow news day" comment - that is dumb and thoughtless. This premier date has been set for a

That's incredible. I didn't realize that Sammy Sosa was on Saved by the Bell.

Eh. It's good to have a pretty clear idea of what you want, especially life goals/values wise, but having a super detailed list of requirements is silly. My fiancé is not the spitting image of the person I used to abstractly imagine marrying. Some things I thought would matter ended up not matterin. And he has other

Awesome hair for her seems to be a thinning and receding hairline, judging from the photos.

we all gotta be real honest with ourselves and admit that there is a serious dearth of black male gay characters on television

Yeesh, it's like a clown runs that place.

Hey cupcake, free speech and satire DOES need to be preserved. You don't get to pick and choose which is OK, and which isn't. A much better way to eliminate the power of racist speech is not be overly sensitive about it; in other words, a whole new mind set is in order. That is the what would truly work, so of

I deeply appreciate Chrissy Teigen's efforts to be relatable. Also Boy George makes me smile.

Exactly, nobody forced her to kill herself . When I was 15 I was badly bullied at school , what followed was a 3 month inpatient stint in mental health facility for teenagers .I also had a shitty stepfather who preferred his biological children over me and a biological father who loved alcohol more that his only

Just let the parents bury their kid.

I would love Whataburger for xmas. I consider that tasty, tasty giant A-1 burger very festive.

So your options are to sit out in the cold for an hour, or pay $100 more to Uber to avoid a long wait in the cold. You know the options, and you make the choice. It's like going out for lunch and having the option of a salad or a burger and fries. Sure, you'd love it if there was a way to make burger and fries as

don't work retail. Get some self improvement & get a non shitty job

Honest question from someone who lives in an area where we rely on our own cars or those of friends to get around because there's virtually no cab service and no mass transit after 6pm. What did you do in that situation pre-Uber?

So you're angry at Carla Alcorn because she mistreated her kid so your solution is to have people mistreat her? That makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing your profundity.

i don't understand reddit :( i am old