
funny how Gawker doesn't know the AG industry in California uses 80% of the state's water.

Lemme guess? He dindu nuffins? Bout to get his life on track? He a good boy?

I really don't see Griffin not taking ownership of the joke, though. Even if it was racist, even if it bombed. That's doesn't seem like her MO at all.

OH MY GOD WHO CARES. It was said, offense was taken, apologies were made and accepted. Get the fuck over it.

well, technically they ARE dead....

Replace the dude with a cat and this is the story of my life... err, death.

Last month on holiday in Mexico minding my own business, dancing by myself, my head snaps back. Some American white woman had grabbed my high ponytailed locs. I swung round and asked why she had pulled my hair. She seemed confused as to why I would even ask. "Haven't you felt HAIR BEFORE?" I boomed. I grabbed

Jesus Christ. It's just fucking hair.

I kid you not...two days ago someone asked me "is that your hair?" I responded with, "are those your teeth?"...along with The Stare. SHE was insulted.

Please. If you're white, nothing that happens to you matters because white privilege. And if a black person says something, you can't question, disagree or compare it to something you've ever experienced because white people. Haven't you figured that out yet?

I'm sorry, but I live in Harlem and the black girls up here have the coolest damned hair I've ever seen. Being literally the whitest boy within a 2 mile radius, I can't not touch your hair. It's impossible. Don't give me that "But you're a total stranger and that's creepy." nonsense.

Yeah, so?

And not a bit about her pointed comments on ageism and sexism? Nice coverage, Jezebel.

You have to be in a certain age range to fully understand what Madonna has meant and how she totally changed the game. She was utterly shocking, like clutch your pearls shocking. Things that the younger generations find usual are because of her. Sex, gay rights, etc weren't really a topic until she spoke up. Here is a

Yeah, don't you just HATE bitchy little queens?

OMG, Gaga sang like she was channeling Julie Andrews and Julie Andrews was RIGHT THERE? I knew she was raising her game with Tony Bennett - she should never go back to her old shenanigans.

Wrong. Cuddling, hugging, closed mouth pecks on the mouth with no sexual insinuation is completely normal. Humans are physical beings. In fact, children that are denied loving (not sexual) physical affection develop attachment disorders - see maternal deprivation; it can be a form of neglect. You can also Google the

it probably is because of my history with sexual abuse (10+ years) of stepfather coming into my room at night

FYI on police officers & bullets: 1) there's no such thing as a warning shot. When an officer decides to use their gun, they are trying to kill you 2) officers are taught to empty their clip, when they shoot, they are shooting to kill and they are going to use all their bullets to kill you

I think the problem is assuming anything we don't know the whole story about, to be honest. I'm going to get Jezzie shot (edit: no terrible pun intended there) for this, but I'm tired of hearing about cops-shoot-man stories where the assumption is that the cops are white racists and killed out of some kind of hate.