
And Grey Worm

wear no crown

Jorah also knows his dad would have said not nice things about him at the Wall.

Why should a woman leader be either sexualised or sexy? You've been brainwashed.

Meera needs to go home and speak with her dad.

Seriously can they not make Dany's hair or clothes move just a little when she's flying a dragon? A little squint in her eyes, something to show motion?

If it was indeed Tyrion who saved Jaime, that would not go down well with Dany at all.

Fuck those murderous dragons. They are a violation of the Laws of Armed Conflict.

Also Sansa and Arya's first riposte was about the last time they saw each other ("You shouldn't have run away") so they clearly still expect to have their bitter sister crap.

Well, there's always diplomacy.

I just rewatched the scene and there are a million differences. Jaime calling her a hateful woman, the torn clothes, the dead son, the continued cries of no and it's not right, him pushing her to the ground, etc etc.

Let me guess, you supported the 2003 invasion.

Ned's was melted into Oathkeeper (with Brienne) and Widow's Wail.

He's been through a bit, to be fair.

Myra's father lives.

Loving Arya and Meera's northern hairdos.

Wow! Good spot!

Isn't Edmure in the Twins?

Why were they in the room?

Sweet Vale-y Twins