
For too long men didn't lisen to her, starting with her father. Her value was her womb and so now she's like fuck you all, I'm not buying into that oppression, let me liberate myself with short hair and take me for the human I am.

This was Diana hugging HIV victims in Westeros.

I thought the Targaryens were there for thousands of years?

The Tarlys served her father, the Mad King, under the Tyrells. So they should have explored that a bit. Also I have read that Cersei is actually the true monarch given actual rules of succession and that Robert legitimately won the throne. Just throwing a few points out there.

C'mon bro,the show is about honour, not power. That is all.

Yup a democracy with no lands, crowns, titles etc.

I believe Jon would be the only one to dissolve the kingdoms and instate democratic elections. Surely that's got to be the ending?

In GoT, two blondes make blonde, one dark one blonde make a dark.

Yes when Jeor gave Jon Longclaw, he told him his son had brought shame to his house.

Pretty sure Jon knew Jorah was a slave trader

Oh honey. It's people like you.

I've known about climate change and the greenhouse effect since 1989 when I was in grade 5, where have you been?

*chalked it up

Let alone someone who himself doesn't even know his parentage.

Happily lose creepy old Jorah.

He certainly does know she snuck into Tywin Lannister's inner circle, so he could safely assume she's been a few places and survived on her wits.

Jorah is gross. I absoutely don't understand his character. He's so unimportant for the entire plot. Greyscale? Snorescale!

I had forgotten about that.

I'm just glad there was some old fashioned scheming in this episode. Felt like the good old days.