
uh, to who? Do you need a blocking?

She'd make a great Dr Who.
*ducks for cover

I love her 'til I die, but she risks becoming a little preachy-soundbitey.

Brook being carried out like a dead weight is care of her years of protest training.

"one dimensional"? … so, just height or length, which one?

I am not American so don't quite understand this private system, but the whole lack of an actual emergency plan seems really odd.

Myles, your reviews are overly critical. Your criticism of Alex's criticism of Piper, when she would ordinarily be lampooned, is case in point. If you can't see that hiding out the riot/not being present by being in the pool is a motif, that's a shame. If you can put your reviews to less "I'm a critic" and more

It was a high school musical people. I was in a bunch. We were hardly good! I pity our poor families sitting through that year after year.

I thought Janae's story was about athletics and then she becomes a gang member. It seemed a bit random to bring this new plot line in. I realised I don't know much about her, she's a fairly two dimensional character but I do like her presence especially when she's angry (as opposed to …. sort of nothing). My issue

Why is Alison's character the only one without fault? She is portrayed as measured, intelligent, principled and benevolent. All other characters are multidimensional and therefore flawed. Are the writers and producers scared of alienating the liberal audience? Is there an untouchable section of society?

It's like when Mandy Moore sings in This Is Us, amirite.

I wonder if threesomes are part of the deal. Are you also married to the other wife?

That was the thing that pissed me off the most. As IF the police wouldn't be called. I'm not American, but where I come from, corporations do not get to ride roughshod over criminal investigations.

I wonder if Blanca holds herself at all responsible.

I would love to see how Fig would have dealt with it.

When I white liberal gets a swastika tattoo, that's about the worst thing that can happen to them.

Now that the Iron Throne is utterly reprehensible, I imagine it would be quite easy to smash it and start anew. A Targarean in King's Landing and a Stark in Winterfell. When it was Tommen, I didn't understand how that could happen, but now Cersei has debased the throne.

How come Jon and Sansa didn't try rallying House Reed? After all, House Reed (Howland, Meera) are rather loyal to the Starks.

Are you saying it's better to rape a young, hot person? That being old "turns a rapist off?"

This is the tv viewers page, kindly fuck off.