
Did they go badly? I can't recall the Knights of the Vale specifically swearing fealty, but can they even do that without Robyn's ascent?

Wildfire's been foreshadowed like a bitch.

"I've seen you in the flames my lady"

She only has support of Dorne and the South (Highgarden).

Do we think they will Nexit?

Major hole though is that he's only known Sansa for a few years and yet he's been on the Climb for many years prior.

and then suddenly he's king in the northing all over the place. Just like that. Because he has some of Ned's blood? Ned wasn't a god. Bran's still alive. Do they even know Jon was reborn? It wasn't even Jon who won Lady Lyana's support, it was Davos.

I do believe she'll utter "burn them all" at some stage. Jaime is likely to take some preventative measures.


If you're being sarcastic, I think it's just being gender neutral, only, it seems that's unusual.

Disagree. Jon was reborn, kind of a biggie. Bran can warg and time travel, he became the Three Eye Raven and learned that fire destroys WW but not wights. Arya learned she was still Arya, and I found that plot line wonderful. It taught us all about 'history being written by the victor'. King's Landing was boring as

Agree. On Dany and Tyrion, he's also showed he's the only sidekick who can actually lead in her name in absentia. He made decisions on her behalf, without needing to "check with mummy". This may have rattled her, but (and these are holes) we never saw her reaction to these diplomatic decisions (slave masters), nor the

Je suis Olenna

I bet was Cersei was all like, fuck you Dad, look at me now.

But the face, was it the face she was wearing which passed him by? She spent some time looking at him, which made Bronn asked how he gets attention so effortlessly.

Wouldn't being Queen Regent hold some provisional power like being a godparent? If the minor (which Tommen was I'm guessing even though he was married) dies and/or leaves no heirs, the regency steps in?

He's definitely nowhere near as interesting south of the wall.

There's no difference between how she took the throne and Robert or any other usurper. She killed her enemies.

but she was crowned as Cersei of the house Lannister.

Hang on was that Arya flirting with Jaime at the feast at the beginning of the ep?