
Then you have no idea what the Red Cross does. Each national society has several people employed for that exact purpose. They give an enormous shit.

Ghost would have been better, for the symbolism.

The problem with these reviews and comments is that everyone forgets this is a serial. Things are set up for future things to happen. Yes, Jon made dumb decisions, but he'll learn from them. The dumb decisions serve a purpose. And totally disagree with you on 2. Sansa commanded the knights of the Vale to wait until

If you'd care to stop being a smart arse, there are two uses of the logo, one is protective (in combat) and the other is indicative. All countries are bound to only use the symbol in their Red Cross chapters, and by the ICRC and the IFRC. Your Ministry of Defence prosecutes all misuse of the emblem. I'm trying to

As others have said, he would have holed up in Winterfell and gone for siege.

But it's so nice to have the Stark kids together *wails*

excellent analysis

Disagree. I loved the aspect of claustrophobia here.

That's probably why so many annoying book readers have come over here. They always say things like "don't worry, this isn't a spoiler, but in the books the weirwood trees only flower in winter when dragons' saliva is used to water them like that time Dany was at WInterfell" or some crap like that.

Theon was a cunt to Tyrion. Why should he do him a solid now?

The red cross is not a symbol of Switzerland, it belongs to the Red Cross movement and is only allowed to be used by them and them alone. See: Geneva Conventions, and don't be little bitches about it just because someone called you out and you're wrong.

AGREE!!!!! Why didn't he just swipe them all down?? Really pissed me off.

Ramsay won several northern castles. Jon fought some white walkers and managed not to die. Not really commanding proper warfare.

I would have liked the poignancy of a direwolf ripping him to shreds. And I also wanted him to explain himself even a little, grovel, say something, fight back, give a reason. Instead, he just died quite quickly. I did love the brutishness of a good old fashioned fist fight, even though Ramsay was smiling through it,

Where WAS Ghost?

He hasn't really fought regular people in a field, mostly undisciplined carnage with white walkers in snow.

Vale Mr Giant, but gods he could have done more inside the circle. Why didn't he just fling the lot of them to the side, like the scythe on the wall?

The birds are Baelish's sigil. Where were the Arryn banners? Robin is Lord Arryn after all. Baelish has his own numerous and well-trained troops? How did that happen?

One thing that really bothered me was that Jon passing Ramsay to Sansa for finishing off didn't seem planned. Ramsay was taken away and Sansa had to ask where. Jon out to have told her unprompted.

I miss Jon's foppish Wall hair. He's now doing the northern slick back. RIP pretty curls.