
Somesaults would have thrown them.

Certainly historically this has been the case (Vietnam) but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be portrayed. And it's not quite correct to say the Wildlings are fighting for Winterfell, Jon made that very clear. They were fighting for their own survival in a peaceful north.

Okay who else simultaneously fist pumped and cried like a child when the Stark banner was rolled out at Winterfell??!

Or at least belly crawl!!

Hi there, do you work for the Red Cross? If not, your avatar is a violation of international law and you should replace it with something else.

But you're so stupid you fell right into a classic battle move Jon.

That's military tactics though. Send the first (Blackwater) and hit them hard when they're drawn out in the open. She's the actual strategic battle commander. She held them back until Ramsay('s men) were drawn open. She knew he'd fight like that. Jon would have had them all in the fray too early.

old woman or red priestess version?

Yeah but he never asked her. She resents being dismissed by him. Their tension is making me uncomfortable.

Yup he never asked for her help. Jon made a lot of assumptions about Sansa and perhaps she's would just answer "well, you never asked."

When you've never studied history, all you have to fall back on is simple shit like back stories. A moron, as Tyrion might say. "Wise people talk about ideas, smart people talk about events and dumb people talk about people", to butcher the quote.

Anyone else hate this pompous negative critic as much as me? Jesus mate we get it, you went to tv school and studied shooting scenes. And yet you're nothing but a goddam millennial who expects all characters to have 'narrative' and 'a journey' instead of recognising (as anyone who studied good old fashioned history

We don't give a fuck about the books here.

I genuinely don't think there's sexual/romantic attraction between Brienne and Jaime. I hope it's not because I don't see her sexual but because it would be nice to see them as honouring each other after what they went through.

He went for another pee

As much as others hate it, her storyline has been great. Through the immense desire to lose herself, she never did. We all knew it, but she's Arya Stark of Winterfell.

I'm 85% Team Lannister right now.

Timewise it didn't gel. They fought at dusk and at dawn Brienne and Pod sailed away. I expected Blackfish (a totally underdone character) to be on that boat. And yet it was Brienne . Didn't appear to make sense.

Tommen acts like a true king.

Y she have no face?