As A Mother

Nothing like a scathing, totally unsupported criticism to boost ones own self-esteem without the hassle of communication or critical thinking. That rush lost its appeal for me when I turned 14, but your milage may vary.

The Super is not too far from the platonic ideal of a TAL episode, and I’m kind of mad I didn’t include it. I have a really vivid memory of driving around New Orleans choking with laughter as Jack Hitt describes the super’s seemingly made up stories, and then getting to work and getting really punched in the gut with

So you’re basically saying that he’s a human being with problems and not a mythological deity of some sort? Huh...

Yes! He is WAY more interesting than James, and infinitely hotter.

Great article.


did you really think this was edgy or are you just repeating something you heard somewhere

You don’t speak for all longtime Fallout fans, nor is your opinion fact, so stop presenting it as such.

because I find that if a game is genuinely shitty nobody talks about how bad it is as much as I find people seem to lambast a widely well recieved game to fucking oblivion since it didn’t speak to them individually.

In otherwords, get out of here with your irrelevant opinion.

Speak for yourself.

Lol mediocrity... Those are some interesting standards if Fallout 4 is mediocre.

So Fallout 4 has overtaken Destiny as “the game its cool to hate on”? Get over yourself lol

except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

How do you rehabilitate a false image? That’s her problem. She’s facing the natural blowback of a series of very poor decisions. If she wants redemption, she needs to acknowledge that she’s playing a black person, that she’s not black, that she cannot reasonably expect to continue living in this persona she created.

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

That being said though (Thanks Jon!), replying with “they deserve to be believed at first until they’re disbelieved based on evidence” is a pretty good spur of the moment reply. She could have refused to answer or said something stupid about it not being relevant or something.

It’s gorgeous but honestly I never really had a problem with the current graphics. The only thing that gets to me is the field of view underwater. The grime makes that underwater breathing perk almost useless because I can’t see a damn thing

Oh wow! If only this contributed to society in, like, any meaningful way! Then all that time he spent might be worth something.