As A Mother

Bartenders are not all angels or all very adept. Some are excellent. Some really suck at their job no matter how generous or pleasant you are.

So basically some folks don’t get good service because the bartender is a bigoted asshole. Got it. But actually, I’d say most bartenders make folks wait because they’re busy, not because they’re unprofessional and petty.

And here is what I want from a bartender. ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I EXIST. I am standing in front of you making eye contact while you are trying to avoid it. If I can’t catch you eye I might give you a gentle friendly wave to let you know that I’m not just hanging around. If you are busy, a simple “I’ll be right with you” or

You may think this, but if every bartender who is perceptive enough to notice every customer is really like this, then holy shit you just cast your entire group as a bunch of assholes.

Re: You’re first pargraph.

Nothing is wrong with that job. But you are the epitome of the douchebag behind the bar that is an elitist ass and doesn’t think its a service job.

Good rant, enjoy what little power that gives you as a peon and continue slinging drinks.

All well and good, but this is a two-way street. Sometimes you do all these things correct, and it is the bartender that is the entitled, elitist or sexist or whatever and not giving you good service.

These are all fine. But here's one for bartenders: don't be a asshole, we are customers.

I’ve been a bartender, and a waiter, so I usually tip pretty good. The problem I have is that most times, when paying cash, the bartender will put the change in front of me and then I slide the tip over to their edge, amongst other tips, but they have moved on and have no idea how much, or if I’ve tipped.

Maybe Michael doesn’t always serve women first, but bartenders at some places (straight pickup joints) do follow that as an unofficial policy. If you’re a man, it’s a simple fact that you are going to be served after the women have been served, and if you order a cocktail, it will not be poured as strongly.

The Gone Home devs' follow up game should focus on a men's rights activist struggling to come to terms with having his opinions validated less and less frequently. Also he's magically switched bodies with his hamster.