
And just in time too as I have be seriously lacking in making an ass of myself publicly.  Gotta keep those numbers up!

Yes! This happened to me too. I was half way through that George Santos article before I realized and did the “wait what???” double-take.  So happy.  A Christmas miracle!

It might have been a reference to the right-wing fuckwit dickheads on Twitter who replied to the news of Jezebel closing with with “Learn to code.” Durh hur hur!

I’m happy for all of you and happy for me. I’ve been checking the site daily both out of habit and “just in case”. The other day it looked different and I got so excited thinking you were back!

Hey there!

My sincere hope is the site is not just back but returns to some of the former quality and insight that made it a an outsized-pop culture staple. Frankly the site had been in decline for years before its shuttering. I don’t mean to shit on you or any other writers who, I gather, have been working under less-than-ideal

And so is the comment section! Hurray!

There was an article about a Saudi alfalfa farm out in the Southwest draining all the groundwater so they could grow food for their cows in Saudi.


Anything is possible, but the whole thing still sounds like Pompeo talking a whole lotta shit.

I would be so pissed if I went on a date with a guy who had clothes lined up for me to put on. That is not sexy. It is controlling. All of this is just a fucking ruse anyway.

“The only advice I would give is [to] ask yourself ‘why do I feel this way?’”

That IG post confirmed my long-held belief that Diesel has the mentality of a teenage dilettante and he’s clearly jealous of Johnson. The ‘Dwayne Johnson as the US president’ chatter probably drive Diesel into a frenzy.

Nobody knows what he actually did. Nonetheless, the money came rolling in.

I still want to know what made him such a financial “genius”

I’ve been listening to the podcast over the last few weeks and I agree, it’s definitely worth a listen. The most poignant part for me was how they dealt with the fallout from HUAC branding her a communist. Desi and his family lost everything when they had to flee Cuba, and he was going to make damn sure it didn’t

Certainly explains why they didn’t go to Chick-fil-A.

Looking forward to Fox News embracing a member of NWA.

Correct, but Republicans gutted public broadcasting about 8 years ago and this is the result of that financial loss

I think her point was “This is literally the outfit the company gave me to wear, I didn’t have any creative input here. So who are you to tell the creators of the material that their interpretation is wrong?