
I think in this case it’s projection about the kind of babes the strapping Texan in the article was hoping to find...

Maybe he did try to groom her or take advantage of her. But maybe he’s also just a fucking liar? I am an old now, but I assume young men still brag about sexual conquests that didn’t happen.

Maybe the pilot has just had a long fucking day and wants to have a cigarette in peace without a bunch of whiny bitch-ass passengers complaining about the smell and how smoking and flying is “dangerous” and you should have your hands at 10 and 2 or whatever on the yoke. I mean, fuck off.

Take these kids away from her immediately. Full stop. No “well you get to see them during...” No, you lost that right. For good.

A Goth Club....for adults....all-black dress code.....expensive membership dues.

Congress just passed a bill to rename it ‘The Freedom Singer’.

A frog inside a snail? What is this, a French cooking show?

The Alamo is closing locations? What a Crocket of shit! 

These were, without any doubt, a collection of some of the dumbest people this country has to offer.

Michetti probably thought by telling his ex about his wanna-be Rambo activities, that she would get all excited and take him back and they’d be boning tout suite. The stupidest booty call ever made.

Prince Andrew could NEVER get near my cookie jar. Also, he has one of the weakest jawlines in modern history. It just would not happen. Also, bigtime yuck @ his predilections and rolodex.

If you have enough gay magic to seduce Prince Andrew away from teens, they might actually be relieved...

All I’m saying is that the Queen is not READY for when I seduce and marry a Duke. The UK will have a core meltdown from the absolute trill royal cookout that shall be thrown in conjunction with the first royal, gay, interracial wedding.


I hate block parties and actively avoid talking to my neighbors, but if you had a block party with Ted Cruz’s and Rand Paul’s neighbors, I would set up permanent residence wherever that was. I would even take a helping of green jello mold with floaty bits.

So his wife is as selfish and clueless as he is. What a perfect match.

It tracks that the Cruzes have the kind of shitty “friends” who won’t tell them a senator going to Cancun while his constituents freeze to death is a bad idea, but will tattle on them to the New York Times.

Both the 2o18 mid-terms and elections like the GA run-offs showed that Trump loving Republicans have a hard time winning elections when he is not on the ballot with them. His diehard supporters will turn out to vote for him and anyone that might be down ballot at the time, but when it comes to standalone races, even

they don’t have to try at all. they could put on clown clothes and make up and fail at juggling the entire time. i hate this simulation.