
I don’t think that’s Netflix themselves doing that,that could be a rights issues between them and the supplier of the show

In Schumer’s defense (I know, but i’m paying devil’s advocate here): She wasn’t initially got the $13 mil but once she heard of the millions Chappelle and Rock got, she renegotiated and got her $13 mil.

Mo’Nique also reportedly burned some bridges with the wrong people and Hollywood is a vindictive place. According to her, Empire’s Lee Daniels told her she was “blackballed” for not campaigning for her eventual Oscar win

And as Sykes noted, she ended up taking her talents elsewhere. An Oscar winner shouldn’t be getting that low of a price unless she made enemies (which reportedly, she did) If that price wasn’t up to her, shop elsewhere

Alas, that FB post shows another case of Whataboutism alive and well, sadly.

There were allegations that Melania was seeing the [now-former] head of security for the Tiffany’s and Co store based in Trump Tower while she was in New York while Trump was in D.C.

Letterman did say on his CBS show that he wouldn’t have Trump back as a guest over his previous remarks and said something to the effect of “I’m not giving a guy like that any sort of platform here on my show”

He did sleep with subordinates, that is correct. By all accounts, everything that occurred was consensual. According to press reports at the time, Worldwide Pants’ sexual harassment policy did not forbid sexual relationships between managers and employees.

It wasn’t a subordinate who tried to blackmail Dave, it was the ex-boyfriend of a subordinate (Dave’s former personal assistant) and Dave’s colleague— the blackmailer actually worked at CBS’ 48 Hours as a producer— Robert Halderman.

Possibly to prevent any legal issues because someone out there is going to (or try it) go and say “The Root led a witch hunt by running names” or something like that.

A stand in for “Latino/Latina”. The previous way was doing “Latino/a” or as I saw on school “Latin@s” with the @ being the “o ” and the “a”

From what I’ve read, McInnes is more like the “Fifth Beatle” who broke out before they hit it big. Vice was nowhere near where they are now when he left. (I don’t want to diminish your point, however)

Was that under Denton’s leadership?

Well, The Root can argue that they are not explicitly giving her a platform but reporting Fader have her one. I guess...maybe?

We wish. Alas, they’re not buying the national Fox Sports division or its main channels, just the RSNs

Unfortunately, that’s been the end product of “we gotta hear from all sides” despite the other side being debunked by science, technology, law, facts, etc.

Well remember, this guy was in charge of children’s programming. He should have just said “No comment” and referred her to the PR folks. He played himself with that comment.

I don’t think it was a corporate mindset but someone playing company spokesperson without running it by the company. Yeatman was an executive involving the children’s television side of Netflix, he had nothing to do with “The Ranch” or anything else but was talking like he was. That earned his firing then and there.

Hollywood ‘s been around longer than Scientology and will be around when Scientology eventually crumbles

According to Page Six, CBS has been begging her to fill in the vacancy at CBS This Morning. And she may want to do more at 60 Minutes