
They can easily borrow someone from their sister sites (Deadspin’s Diana Moskovitz as as example)

I think Curry if she wanted to return to mornings, CBS This Morning would be a better fit

Yeah but this happened in a right to work state. Hell, if she had shown up wearing the wrong colored shirt to work, she’d been canned for that too

If not infiltrated, maybe outright browbeat them into submission like they did with the IRS. When the IRS was investigating them, Scientology members personally tracked down and followed the investigators and they would ultimately drop the matter.

The bulk of the allegations revolved around the PBS show, which is not a CBS News or PBS production. King had no role on the PBS and predates her and Rose hosting CBS This Morning

How about Maurice DuBois? He’s pretty solid and has filled in on CTM and the Evening News and he’s their neighbor ( WCBS-TV CBS 2 is in Studio 46)

I also regularly watch CBS This Morning as well and I felt it was better for them to address it at the top of the show, given that Rose would also provide the intro for the “Eye Opener”. Look at how CBS Evening News also covered Rose— he was the second story up. I give CBS credit for choosing to address it at the

In Gayle’s defense, It is understandable this would affect them. They worked together for 5 years on the show while the reported behavior revolved around his PBS show. They may have been unaware of his prior behavior, which was reported to have happened between the late 90s and 2011 before he was named host of CBS

“wypipo” - a play on the phonetics for “White People”

Also, another reason they’re trotting out this award is because Warrior effectively said goodbye on the Raw before he died. And to make matters even worse, Warrior himself didn’t want the “Warrior Award” to serve this purpose, but to honor the unsung backstage / office employees. WWE edited his HOF speech as a

Same here.

Which also plays into China’s statement that if US strikes North Korea first, they’ll defend them but if North Korea were to hit American soil, China would stay neutral

He was released two years ago and was supposedly working on a potential comeback

And now a public service announcement

Don’t forget the “YUGE CROWD SIZES” bit too

Another potential nail in the coffin for the Fox takeover of BSkyB (parent of Sky News), which has been recently delayed by Ofcom pending “further input”

Now playing

And then this would happen if she wasn’t invited anymore:

CW is a 50/50 split with Time Warner and CBS

They should’ve called the cruiserweights to Smackdown given the feel of CWC, but that’s Vince for you. Let Raw have everything at the expense of everything else

Not only did Vince not get that, that led to investors and the SEC to investigate both the WWE & NBC Universal on whether WWE was lowballed by NBC or did WWE over inflate the price leading to NBC overspending.