
What. The everloving. Fuck.

Also, those that are Catalan or from Spain proper, they do not like "Latino" being applied to them.


Well, I guess things weren't Hugh Morris after all.

And speaking about their apps, the Weekender app for Android changed the colors for a few of the lines and to this day, haven't fix them.

He did say during TNT's All-Star coverage that he's had new outfits made since all the Olds ones no longer fit.

and just like everything else, they'll do nothing about it.

My guess: to get modeling gigs. As to why she kept going back to him, we'll never know

Curling...Hockey....Jay and Dan's old place and it's co-owned by ESPN.....That's all I got

What in the blue Hells is swavy? How is coming up with these so-called words?

It wasn't an attack on Jezebel, but a small rib on them.

Now, here's a photo of Angela Lansbury:

I think people are saying Nightly isn't funny is due to some not getting acclimated with the format, or those who prefer a Colbert 2.0 type show. Or some may not like the panel format and the Keep it 100 segment and the subjects discussed.

Simple: voted in by idiots. That's why more people need to vote so we don't keep having people like this in power.

John Oliver would be proud.

The team now has a policy on how to deal with deaths in players' families, though it's odd that there needs to be a policy for human sympathy.


Not to mention Fred Willard lost his gig on a PBS show he was doing when he was caught doing the deed in a theater too.