
Not to mention Fred Willard lost his gig on a PBS show he was doing when he was caught doing the deed in a theater too

White people.

This sort of thing is the reason sites like Your Kickstarter Sucks exist.

It would cheese them off...if they could actually see it.

If you're reading a Gawker site at work, that's your problem. Someone needs to put a disclaimer at this stage.

Keith Olbermann played by Ben Affleck

If by "funny" he means "a complete prick", then yes.

If not, all swatters should be ordered to foot the bill for all the taxpayer money being spent on chasing something that isn't that.

Cocaine's a hell of a drug

If you've seen the Vice Guide to North Korea, you're pretty much on point with that.

The "new" was something the rest of the world have long since retired because they're not known for following trends.

That's the point. That he has a plane....which I guess is to show the world that NK has money for a plane. Because potatoes

If they value their lives and the lives of their kin, they must take everything down.

I think that could be seen as a message to Japan (and other countries) who refuse to "bow" to North Korea.....

Because Seoul is not going to risk the lives of their people for a civil war that'll happen the moment they come gunning for NK.

They probably do use them as pillows

So admitting that someone's song isn't your taste is throwing shade now? Banks really needs to stop before she does this to the wrong person.

Remember, not all NBA players make bank...and even those who do have been known to blow it in record fashion.