
The only real way we can get poetic justice if two things a) their syndicators drop them, but they won't because they pay the bills b) their licenses get pulled and are prohibited from giving any sort of medical advice.

Every PR team that bought followers will be having their phones blown up in the coming days, hours even

Luvvie also runs the DumbestTweets tumblr page, which is pretty self-explanatory, Actor Tyrese is her favorite target

Or that one account that went from 3 million followers to EIGHT!!!! before the account the closed.

That is true, but I was referring to New York City ( i should have clarified that, sorry), those are definitely not legal here.

While that is commendable, at the same time, burning bridges by starting feuds with long-established talent (T.I., Pharrell for example) and crudely airing out grievances and making obscene remarks won't do her any good.

The problem is that in this industry whoever you piss off (whether by insulting so-and-so online, or not being interviewed by the right people) can ruin you so easily and you wouldn't even know who put out the hit, she is not only rubbing people the wrong way with her Twitter fights but may be burning potential

which, we're pretty sure is not legal in the streets

Did they ripped that out of a wall? It looks like Sheetrock

Where in North Korea do they get rice?

Talking out of your ass is one way

*snaps finger* Darn, i knew I forgot something :)

No, that name is wrong.

Now playing

Meanwhile at the NFL on Fox booth at Seahawks/49ers game:

Doubt it. Because at this point if that had happened, it would have been known by now. Per the Mediaite and TMZ stories that came out following Simmons' suspension was that "various unnamed ESPN employees supported the suspension..for challening the higher ups"

Apparently, in 2014, boasting about committing the stunt gets them double the attention of actually pulling the stunt.

At the same time, Keith Olbermann wasn't getting shut down nor suspended for his repeated calls for Goodell to step down and how the NFL royally fucked this up badly (His Insufficient Punishment essay and the follow up were outstanding). Online reports said that Simmons was suspended not so much for the Goodell

I thought it was about ethics in award journalism

Those are injuries?!

Supposedly auditioning anchors, even