
Let's also stop putting them on the spot and asking them shit like this so this won't continue

There was also this..

RE: Tyga/Kylie:

It is also noteworthy that no one else from The Cosby Show hasn't defended him either.

Its a good thing that his comeback was derailed and later halted fast following a Chicago journalist reported that he STILL sends people at his old high school to pick up underage girls which totally killed the momentum of "Black Panties"(that's the actual name)

Per TMZ: CPS is investigating but until an 'imminent threat" to the younger children are known, they can't do a thing

Definitely for me John Oliver is better because he brings underreported stories (Indian elections, The FDA and supplements etc) or stories that aren't reported (civil forfeiture, Argentina defaulting, Hungary's Internet Tax etc..) to the forefront and actually does some good. For example, when he learned that Miss

And Fox, for the Married with Children reunion from a while back was able to recreate the set exactly.

I thought it was about ethics in journalism

Hopefully, this should lead to people not idolise Reality TV "stars" and make them be "down to earth" role models or something of that sort. Because exploiting your children and family shenanigans for national television isn't role model behavior nor is dating a rapist who attacked a family member and seems to have no

TLC will pull this show, they pretty much have to or this becomes into another A&E situation they had with Duck Dynasty and walked back their punishment under the threat of everyone leaving. A&E should have stood their ground but didn't. Hopefully, TLC does stick with whatever punishment they dole out.

In a perfect world, these "advertorials" should get the "This is a paid disclaimer for (insert name here)" like in the informercials.

and the Bureau of Indian Affairs doesn't really shy away from the name..

Will their own league feature blackjack and hookers? If so, i'm in.

There probably are more stories involving these Youtubers, these are the stories that just went public. Hopefully, this means Youtube/Google and the studios behind these vloggers clean house and set guidelines.

and cue the paper throw :)

and cue the paper throw :)