
...and yet he goes on FS1 and says the opposite? Isn't there a department for crap like this?

and also Pam Oliver's demotion to NFL on Fox's #2 team

and also Pam Oliver's demotion to NFL on Fox's #2 team

If anything, Fox (both Sports and News) should have Luntz sit this one out.

That's his.."uniqueness"...either that or all his suit money couldn't get him shoes..

Every time he is caught on FS1, he is ALWAYS wearing sneakers....

Every time he is caught on FS1, he is ALWAYS wearing sneakers....

Thus the reason FS1 (thankfully) recreated...

Now playing

I was Kinja' honor, really. The first link is of Luntz's appearance following the apology and the second video is the in-focus group and here is the segment where Luntz called Goodell's apology "language perfection":

Now playing

And for reference, when Luntz was last on Fox Sports Live following Donald Sterling's apology, he was billed as "Fox Sports 1 Communications Expert" (seen here)

Nope. Ailes only runs Fox News. Eric Shanks runs Fox Sports, better known as the man responsible for Gus Johnson: Soccer Announcer

Not affiliated with the FCC nor am i butthurt over her doing that. I was simply stating an opinion that we differ on. No need to get loud for that.

To your pint, Keith Olbermann said this months ago that MLB already has the rules in place to make the games shorter...but they won't enforce them because money. Rules 6.02(a), (b), and (c) should be enforced and fine those who don't

What i do at parties have nothing to do with wishing the quitting was done differently.

She could have just said "I Quit" no need for the expletive. What if her efforts end up being a detriment to the cause, then what?

yeah...especially the station that now has to eat a fine for that.

SAS will walk that back the moment any female ESPN talent destroys him on twitter or in his face

He was done as of yesterday. He should've left yesterday BEFORE that CBS interview where he dug himself even deeper

They did in April when that anonymous tipster told them

Keith Olbermann is gonna go nuclear at this...