Jonathan is my Doctor Strange

Does it? I’ll admit I haven’t been following the game all that closely, but I watched about half an hour of leaked gameplay and most of the trailers, and I feel like all I’ve seen is walking, looking at things, breaking resources for supplies, and a minor fps system that was basically competent.

It seems like there’s

As someone who never played the original Prey and doesn’t really have any attachment to what it was before I think this looks exceptionally interesting. Arkane is fast becoming one of my favorite developers.

Yeah, the first mercy and the last tracer are both exquisite, but the others are honestly all pretty mediocre.

The technical science fields have also gotten super accepting of tattoos. At least half the research staff I work with have one or more prominently visible tattoos.

Imperial Guard or go home, as far as I’m concerned. There’s something about those poor sad saps with their flashlights that I find infinitely more compelling than the space marines.

The Eldar are good too.

I’ll be interested at the point at which they start adding faction DLCs. The orks are fun but I’ve always found the space marines terribly dull, and according to the steam page those are the only two armies in the game currently.

Not to mention the almost total lack of meaningful gameplay footage. I mean, they released a “survival” gameplay trailer last week and it was literally just video of people walking around while a bar colored to represent the planet’s single survival threat slowly ticked down.

Did you for real just forget Bob’s Burgers?

Based on the handful of water polo players I’ve met they were WAY more likely to actively advance the anarchist agenda anyway.

Making a thread for talking about the crazy things that have happened in your CK2 games. I’ve had a few good stories, but I’ll tell the best one.

I still can’t get over what perfect casting he was for Roland in the Gunslinger movie.

It’s not that people would want to pretend that Disney could keep the gators out, it’s that it just wouldn’t occur to people that it’s a problem Disney would even be contending with. As a Californian, if you had asked me if there were gators in Florida Disney resorts before this story broke I’d have laughed. Dangerous

As a person from California, it would never occur to me that there might be gators in a Disney resort. California has plenty of dangerous wildlife (rattlesnakes, mountain lions, coyotes, bears, etc) but they’re all animals that live in habitats fundamentally separated from major cities and resort areas. There’s is

Do people expect a call from their boss when a family member has major surgery? That just seems bizarrely weird to me.

It’s neat in theory, and I definitely hope this suit brings Colvin’s family closure and maintains her public stature (she absolutely deserves it), but the chances of this effecting any kind of change is mind-numbingly remote. Without some kind of international mandate these suits are just low grade show trials carried

Slowly paving the way for Jezebel 3.0: And the living shall envy the dead.

My reaction:

Just do what I do and write in Snidley Whiplash.

Because failing to follow State Department security guidelines isn’t a crime, and neither is being careless.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a profoundly stupid move, but it didn’t violate any actual laws.