Sure, but the correction addresses this accurately.
“...the Associated Press found that over half the private citizens who met with Clinton during her time in office were Clinton Foundation donors.”
This correctly asserts that half of the population Clinton met with during this period who were private citizens had…
All of this. My significant other is a newly minted lawyer getting to grips with billable hours, and right now she hates lawyering with an unbridled passion.
+1000 kinjas for Sharon Stone McCree
Frankly that whole album is solid gold.
So is there some kind of paperwork we need to file to have kinja wrapped up or will it just happen automatically at midnight tonight?
These are honestly hugely impressive. They’re gorgeous, they possess a remarkably distinctive style, and there’s a huge amount of variance in the subject matter. One of my all time favorite Fine Art posts.
Is that NOT grade A parenting? Asking for a friend.
He has also lately embraced the whole “OMG YOU GUYS WE’RE PROBABLY IN AN ANCESTOR SIM” craze, which is like litmus paper for tech industry douchery.
TBH I’ve always really loved the idea that there are these weird closed off people who are like “Wow that was transcendent, mind blowing sex, but I’d better keep it to myself to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Except that in the animated short his little camera light goes from blue to red when the core programming takes over...a thing which never happens in the game.
There’s an article from 2015 when they announced it. It’s basically just a bare bones “this is a thing that exists” article, but that’s pretty much the same treatment every other random indie game gets before it comes out.
Hey, don’t knock Cheeseburger Joe’s. They got me a great deal when I took my liver in for an oil change.
Honestly Black/White is my favorite pokemon generation. Team Plasma was interesting, the pokemon designs were pretty universally solid, the way they played with the sprite art was magical, and their refusal to lean on any old pokemon whatsoever was bold and (for me) compelling.
Meh, I get where Melissamachete is coming from here.
Good example: I have a good friend who I have seen basically every weekend for the past several years. He’s great, I really like him, and I enjoy the hell of out spending time with him, but his girlfriend is the most grating human being on the planet. I don’t see…
Yeah, I’m firmly convinced it’s a bad idea to reproduce until we get these damn child labor laws repealed. I’M NOT MADE OF MONEY AMERICA, JEEZ.
Oh, for sure! They’ve never really pretended it’s more than it is, and some people no question started assuming that there were a bunch of secret mechanics that literally no one ever mentioned.
Though your comment actually made me realize that we were low key talking past each other before. You seem to be talking about…