How long until Trump makes an explicit promise to prosecute Clinton if he’s elected? Like, 20 minutes?
How long until Trump makes an explicit promise to prosecute Clinton if he’s elected? Like, 20 minutes?
I don’t even like cats and I think your cat is adorable.
Still by far the funniest music choice I’ve heard paired with the clip.
It is truly magical how many songs can be made to perfectly line up with that clip.
I wonder if people remember 3D TVs, and how that was tooooootally the next big thing.
Don’t get me wrong, I think VR is a waaaaaay better gimmick that 3D TV, but the drive to broad market adoption is still sort of questionable.
And then there’s the question of how a public school system built for the sole purpose of guaranteeing a broad population of basically literate English speaking factory workers would cope with the shift. The US school system is already desperately wrestling with the question of how to adapt to the new identity a…
Yeah, despite the long term romanticization of the immigrant experience in America the US attitude towards poor immigrants has always been “Ugh, fine, whatever, I guess they’re already here.” Whenever we’re asked to actively take people we invariably say no.
Oh my god, can you imagine how awful it’s going to get if this ever became widespread?
Yeah, they honestly fixed bastion waaaaay back in beta when they took away his nigh unbreakable 90 degree front shield in turret mode.
And the flip side of that, as a support, is the infinite satisfaction of healing a character Mei can’t quiiiiite one shot through the freeze.
For real. The entire game is built on the premise that you’ll rapidly adapt your team comp to counter the opposing team’s makeup.
That and the painfully overwrought syntax. He writes like he thinks he’s Immortan Joe pouring out water for the grovelling multitude.
That story physically hurt me.
Yeah, the most telling example of that particular nuance is the speech that reality gives at the end of that episode, when he directly rebukes the town for their selfishness and self absorption rather than making any kind of commentary on the basic values they’re basing all this on.
I mean, among other things PC…
Huh, I somehow missed the fact that that had been confirmed.
Was it just me, or did the weird way they lingered on Emily laying a red rose in front of that painting of her mother have some serious Brigmore Witch/Delilah vibes?
Oddly all the really virulent Sanders people where I work are women, so my experience is probably totally unreflective of anyone else’s, but let’s see.
The really dramatic incident was when my boss told me she didn’t like knowing I supported Clinton, because it made her respect me less. That prompted a whole…
Oh that’s SUPER exciting.