Jonathan is my Doctor Strange

Sandie Berners sounds like the name of a rejected Hershey’s candy line from 1965.

I have really mixed feelings about guys who have difficulty dealing with rejection in situations like that. Like yes, rejection in general sort of hurts, but there’s something about being turned down by someone in a bar that’s so totally impersonal that I feel like there’s almost nothing to internalize. It’s not

The not all men thing drives me up the goddamn wall for two reasons. One, the stupid brush-off defensiveness that you so rightly point out.


I can’t even deal with how grossed out I am by the idea of washing someone’s feet with your hair.

I sometimes wonder if this isn’t the inversion of the way men often don’t realize or accept that harassment is a serious, regular problem for women. They don’t see it happening to them, so they assume it’s just not a thing. I’ve no evidence to back it up whatsoever, but I can’t help suspecting that many young women

Frankly him thinking there was ever any real chance of the Democrats nominating a lesser Reagan cabinet flunky as the candidate for president might be the most delusional part of the whole thing.

Yeah, fair. I guess I wasn’t really considering the general scale of 40k matches.

For sure. It’s nice to see two politicians debating and reflect that whatever our personal preference is we’ll at least end up running someone who would at the end of the day make a pretty decent president.

If he did that he’d be risking another sudden violent push to get him the nomination, tbh.

Yeah, Gawker has been super weird lately for sure.

Blood Bowl 2 may not have been perfect, but christ did it make me wish that they’d do an almost identical system for the 40k tabletop.

See, this is why we need to standardize. You’ve got to be super careful with your conversions or BAM, you smack the fetus straight into the surface of the moon.

Or maybe you crash the rover into a woman’s uterus? I forget which.

Yeah, I lost all interest when I discovered that there’s absolutely no mention of a PvE late game beyond some pretty limited rumors that they might add a raid in a couple of weeks.

To clarify, it’s specifically the Far Cry bow I can’t hit anything with. I do fine in Skyrim, for example, I just find the crosshairs on the Far Cry bow totally crippling

Republican debate drinking game!

1. Drink!
2. Drink.
3. Drink...

It gets described a lot as Harvest Moon meets Terraria, which is honestly pretty apt.

I’m super amused by how many people seem to think the whole thing is a done deal when from a legal perspective basically nothing has happened yet.

Lex Luthor is a man who does battle on a regular basis with a literal superhuman. It wouldn’t even be that hard to convince me to vote for Luthor over Cruz.

Cruz is CLEARLY a man consumed by the meteorite from Color Out of Space. He’s just this weird gray blob that seems like it could crumble to incomprehensible dust at literally any moment.