
The video games I got: Dragon Age: Inquisition, This War of Mine, and Game of Thrones, all for PC. And The Last of Us for PS4.

"Korra went from Straight as an arrow to bending both ways"

I've been playing offline on PC and I've gotten no problems from the start (and I'm 70 hours in and almost done).

I'm not sure why anyone would think this is a perpetual motion machine... It seems pretty obvious that the ball moving down the ramp doesn't provide the energy to move it back up.

It was a prosthetic breast, not her real one. They put it over her dress.

My favorite bug so far happened just yesterday. I'm heading out of an outpost when I hear some yapping and get terrified, and I look around for the source. Then I see a dhole, just standing there a bit away. I approached it slowly and it didn't move. I then realized it was stuck - there was some fencing there and

I switched from iPhone to Android right around the time the Galaxy S4 was released. That was actually the phone I wanted and everyone seemed to be talking about it and Samsung, but I settled for Motorola's Droid Razr HD because of price. The phone was middling, and while I never disliked it, I never really liked it

What are these "ads" you speak of?

And at 2:04, you'll see an absolutely beautiful bit of product placement by Samsung, buy a Galaxy S5 now for only $200 and we'll throw in one James Spader for free!

Reading this review actually makes me really happy I bought a new Moto X - I still get Lollipop (hopefully within the next week or two!), mostly the same hardware and design, Motorola's special features, and a somewhat smaller phone that's still "big."

Though I have one little quibble with the review, specifically, the

Because MightyText connects to my Google account. They'd have to be on a computer where I'm already logged in to Google to view my texts, so it'd have to be my computer.

My problem with a USB key is that I am sadly prone to forgetting my USB drives (plus, if I lose it, I don't want to deal with the problems then). I could use Authy, but I don't like outsourcing my security to other apps. But I'll certainly check it out.

I enabled two-factor authentication on my google account just a week ago (yeah, really late, I know), and I've been using MightyText for months and this was the first thing that bothered me. Though someone would still first have to be using MY laptop/desktop for this to be a problem... so I guess just be really

The main thing I want is folders in the app drawer. The stock app drawer is just literally a list of apps in alphabetical order. I used Nova on my old phone and I loved being able to sort stuff into folders, so I could put all the stuff that was already on my home screen in a folder. After all, if it's on my home

Just, why so much white? I feel like not only will that impact battery life on AMOLED screens like my Moto X, but it just plain doesn't look as good as darker colors.

They're really taking Martin's "nipples on a breastplate" line to heart. If only they'd taken his chapters about Arianne to heart, too.

So you're telling me it's okay if our media is dominated by male-heavy shows that are sexist towards female characters and erase and silence them? That's not a problem at all? That has no repercussions?

How many of those women with agency are women of color? How many of those women are treated just like men are in Westerosi society? How many of those women understand the role the patriarchy play in their lives and actively seek to combat it, and manage to criticize society without also criticizing other women in the

I never said that. I actually specifically said earlier that that's not what I'm saying. But okay.

Uh, but they're replacing her with Trystane. Is it somehow easier to build up Trystane and give him a history and so on? Trystane has almost no lines in the book - why not just keep it that way? Simple introduction - Doran calls Trystane his son, Arianne mentions the betrothal to Myrcella at some point, and that's it.