
While I understand that the show doesn't have air time to include everything in the books, the fact remains that they have enough air times to add scenes that weren't in the books and don't add to the plot (Pod and the prostitutes, or Tyrion and Jaime's convo before Oberyn's duel, Missandei and Grey Worm's romance),

The problem isn't that oh no, they left one random female character out. The problem is WHO they left out.

One book? I could probably write five, plus another two.

Sauron only made the One himself. The other rings were forged by Celebrimbor of Eregion. Celebrimbor was an elf and one of the greatest craftsmen of his time. Sauron offered the Elves the knowledge to make the rings of power. The 9 and the 7 were made by Celebrimbor under Sauron's guidance, which is why they corrupt.

Good job generalizing the quality of the largest movie industry in the world based on a few clips you've scene. Because that isn't racist or stereotyping at all, right? I mean, you've seen a lot of Bollywood films, including the ones that are more serious like Barfi or 2 States or Black or Lagaan, right? You know from

Actually, Septon Barth claims that dragons don't have a defined gender, but rather are "now one and now the other, as changeable as flame."

Except I just looked through ADWD and Aemon never says he wants to go help Dany train her dragons.

In the books they mention that the Valyrians used magic and sorcery to control their dragons and their realm, not training. I would assume the Targaryens wouldn't allow the source of their control over the dragons to be made public knowledge, so there's no reason for any of the book's PoVs to know anything about

But they're also a way for Dany to control her dragons - with Euron's dragon horn. That seems pretty important.

If you're talking about the Benjen Stark rumors... nope.

But again, Asha specifically says in episode 10 of season 3 that she's sailing to the Dreadfort, not to Barrowtown or any other place. And also, Barrowtown is held by the Dustins, and Lady Barbrey Dustin absolutely despises Ramsay. There's no way that Ramsay and Roose would be in Barrowtown.

I may or may not have maps of Westeros, Braavos, and Kings Landing spread around my living room as I do a re-read of books 4 and 5...

I totally agree: it was probably one of the stupidest scenes the show has done (not counting the sept scene). But at the same time, it IS the Dreadfort. First, Asha specifically says that's where she's going. Second, if you look at a map, the only other places it could be are: Barrowtown, which it's not; Moat Cailin,

She says in episode 10 of season 3 that she's going to sail through the narrow sea, up the Weeping Water, and to the Dreadfort to rescue Theon. So yeah, it was the Dreadfort.

I hope Hollywood never makes (another) movie based on a Hindu myth, be it Ramayan or Mahabharat or anything else. Hollywood will do nothing but reduce it to a joke, a caricature. I especially hope the people who in another thread here were talking about Michael Bay and the Mahabharat, that they never ever ever ever

Question for you all: I have Europa Universalis III but I never really got into it, though I tried to. I might want to try my hand at another strategy game, though. Would you say that CKII is a good game to start with, or should I not buy it now in case there's a sequel coming out soon? Or perhaps EUIV since it's

It's also relatively inaccurate, so please don't check it out.

Where I live, I only have one ISP option unless I want to go to sub 2 Mb/s speeds. Where's the competition in my area when my ISP has a monopoly? Are they going to voluntarily split themselves into multiple companies to create competition, even though it'll hurt their own profit margins? Do you really think that?

Again though, it's not like they said "let's ignore all the migration patterns for America." What you're saying is like saying that they "excluded" the lightest elements in a list of top 10 heaviest elements. It's not that they were purposefully excluded - it's that they aren't the top 10 heaviest so they aren't on

They're not "excluding" our big coastal cities. The map is meant to track movement of people from one city to another. But NYC doesn't make it because people from all over move to NYC - it's not a mass coordinated migration, it's just a mass migration. This map is measuring the former.