
He spends most of the movie doing calibrations.

...Is Sovereign based on Mass Effect?

I am going to assume this is a joke because I've been having such a good day otherwise.

And I just realized that not only do you have to factor in pressure, but the given sublimation point for CO2 is for PURE CO2. Atmospheric CO2 isn't pure, and wouldn't sublimate until -144 degrees Celsius.

As TravelHead said, the pressure is about 0.6 atm at Dome Fuji, and so carbon dioxide wouldn't sublimate (go from gas to solid) until somewhere around -95 C. Alas, only a few degrees off.

A friend of mine started having computer problems a few months ago with her Windows 7 installation, and so I lent her my Ubuntu LiveCD so she could at least get her data off the computer. She didn't have enough money to get someone to professionally repair the computer, and a reinstall of Windows didn't work; every

But the average joe doesn't care about the extra stuff or likes it, and anyone who does care buys a nexus phone or something else that is close to stock android (like the Moto X, say). Not every android phone comes with carrier apps; it's not like it's a feature of android or something.

They recommend a GTX 660, but that "only" has 2 GB of graphics memory, not 3... What does have 3 GB of graphics memory and isn't exorbitantly priced?

Prompt upgrades, minimum 24 hours battery life on heavy usage, and a good assistant that does voice commands. I was never too impressed with Siri on the iPhone, and I love Google Now on my phone, but I wish Android had better voice functions. Though I'm sure they've improved in recent updates — I'm still on 4.1.2.

Vote: Moleskine Notebook

Not sure about the first one, but I've heard bad stuff about the makers of GO Launcher. Can't remember if it was on Gizmodo or Lifehacker, but a huge bunch of people were saying that they are a Chinese company that mines your data. The launcher itself was good and I enjoyed it, but I did promptly uninstall it after

I can't decide what's worse, the crash that probably would ensue from this, or destroying your game's CD/the xbox itself because of the bumps and turns.

The straw that broke the camel's back, I believe.

Is there a version of this widget for actual android phones? Because if so, I can't find it. Almost every weather widget that I've seen has a background or isn't just text, like I want.

I'll probably still consider getting it, but I'm thoroughly disappointed at not having 4 GB of RAM. :\

But the torrent wasn't found using a tracker, but was linked to on the Ubuntu website. If I can't trust the Ubuntu website to link me to the official ISO torrent, how can I trust the regular download to be safe, too?

Two days ago I needed to download Ubuntu to make a LiveCD. I tried running it from their site, and it took forever. Fifteen minutes in, I cancelled it and used the torrent they linked to instead. Took five minutes.

thank you. i was planning on buying a tablet but now i've seen the error of my ways. instead i will carry my desktop around with me everywhere i go for a real computing experience.

Well, after perusing through the comments, I just very quickly grabbed a few screenshots of my launcher layouts and uninstalled Go Launcher.

Gurthang is certainly my favorite. A sword that talks? Come on, now.