
YOU don't have to do it if you don't want to. But there are people who do, people who like to document their travels and share it with their friends instantly, and that's their choice. There are also people who need to be in constant communication sometimes for whatever reasons (work related, family related, etc) and

I don't get why people want a start menu. It was good for only two things: searching for apps, and getting to the control panel. By Vista, all you had to do was open the start menu and start typing to search. Same with Windows 7. And same with Windows 8, the difference being the search was full screen instead of a

Evolution in action. Beautiful. They should have sent a poet.

When an African-American uses the word nigger, they're not doing it with a background of historical oppression. It wasn't African-Americans enslaving African-Americans, it was White people. White people saying nigger brings with them a whole background of historical oppression of African-Americans, but

You see, if you go around using terms that have a history of oppression (slavers calling African-Americans niggers, Americans calling Mexicans wetbacks, etc.), the problem is that you're enforcing those stereotypes. You're looking at a black person and relating them in your mind with slaves and calling them niggers.

The video assumes that people who use PEMDAS will think to do multiplication before division, or addition before subtraction, which will of course lead to mistakes. But I don't think that's the case.

"I've never researched evolution or the proof for it, so I'll just say it doesn't exist."

As someone who lives in Phoenix, let me just say, I hate haboobs with a passion. I got caught in one on the I-10 once when going home from Tucson, and I don't think I've ever been more scared for my life.

At least you don't have to find an airport, eh?

Quick, we need a smart-ass space pilot that can't follow orders, a Russian drunk/scientist who lost his wife and kids to skin cancer, a physicist whose grandfather worked on the Manhattan Project, an astrophysicist radiation expert from Antarctica, a cowboy daredevil who ropes sharks from the back of dolphins, and an

Humans. They always seem to win despite all the odds being against them. Human media is so anthropocentric.

Cooler, yes. Deader due to less insulation, too.

I hope they check the guest list for Freys. Or don't, if they're into that kind of stuff.

The fear is that people in cultures and places where these types of things are common could use these definitions as an excuse to institutionalize young women for having sex. These aren't just 'the finer points of ontological debate'. Just a few decades ago in the US, women were regarded as having hysteria if they

This! I was trying to figure out who he was playing, and then I was like, "Wait a second, he's playing Matthew Fox?"

GRRM and the show both revealed Gendry was Robert's bastard in the very first season/book. The scene is also the exact same in both: Ned finds out that Jon Arryn frequented a certain armorer in King's Landing, so he goes to investigate, meets Gendry, walks outside and basically says, "What did Jon Arryn want with

The dancing, the fighting, and a bit of sword swallowing later on.

I think it'll probably do both. I mean, we know that Tyrion and Sansa are married by the time of the Red Wedding, which is in episode 9, and the title of episode 8 implies that the major event is the battle for Yunkai'i, which leaves episode 7 for Tyrion and Sansa. And Tyrion may not be a literal bear, but he's still

Everyone's discussing what happens in which episode... but I don't think anyone's mentioned that the episode titles have been released. I'm willing to bet episode 7 is going to be Tyrion and Sansa's wedding (The Bear and the Maiden Fair), and episode 9 will be the Red Wedding (The Rains of Castamere). Episodes 8 and

In the museum where it belongs.