
Yeah, look at those silly brown people in bed sheets, how stupid.

I use it on two computers, one a desktop and one a laptop, neither with a touch screen, and it's just as easy to use as Windows 7 was, if not easier. I don't know what you're talking about.

Is it just me or does Time Zones remind anyone else of Time's Eye, by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter? Because if it's based in part on the book, hell yeah, I'd see it.

So just because before it was natural, it means that it's natural now, too? I mean, let's ignore the fact that circumstances have changed, the environment is different, and one of the major sources of pollutants and greenhouse gasses being pumped into our atmosphere today is, well, us. Which is a rather different

On facebook, not really, but on tumblr it's a whole different story. I don't care if random people who I don't know unfollow me, but I like to keep track of whether my friends unfollow me or not, because then I wonder what I posted that made them do so, or whether they just don't care about what I have to post

Wait, so when iOS developers make things like camera apps and put them on sale on the Apple Store, do you call Apple greedy because there's already a camera app? Even though Apple did not make the app or set the price, just like Microsoft didn't make the app or set the price in this case either?

Wait, wait, wait. You're complaining about stickers over the computer and flyers inside the box the PC comes in? Really? Is that the best you can do? And somehow spending an extra couple hundred on an Apple computer is worth it because... you don't get flyers in the box or stickers on the computer? That's seriously

My Kindle Fire is smaller than an iPad, which makes it more portable (I can actually stick this thing in my pocket if I want to), with a similar quality touch screen and only a slightly smaller resolution display. I don't really use it to browse the internet much, or to download and use any apps. In fact, all I use it

At first I thought that was a typo and you meant $22.5 billion. Then I just became sad.

My desktop that I bought back near the end of 2008 was about $2600, mainly because it was a gaming tower that came with two graphics cards (yeah, yeah, I could have built it for cheaper, but I really didn't want to bother). Worked beautifully until the motherboard died about three weeks ago. It was a custom board and

I don't think they're forcing it on people, they're just saying, hey, this is what we're doing from now on, we think it's pretty cool, and you should try it, so here you go! If you don't like it though, feel free to go to the desktop, we don't mind!

Totally agreed. Especially when you barge in on the argument in the engineer room about whether EDI *is* the Normandy or not...

Basically, important is anything I open frequently from the start menu (plus the store because it makes things even), apps are my metro apps, common are desktop apps that I want sort of frequent access to every now and then, and games are just my clients along with any games I've been playing recently and don't want

Wouldn't this imply that said "quantum hoohaa" is something we evolved over time? DNA creates different proteins that do different things, so that would mean that said proteins are influencing quantum behaviors that result in consciousness, which isn't possible. The only way it could be do to quantum hoohaa would be

I actually noticed that a while back, but it doesn't add the transparency back, which is what I miss. Oh, well.

Mostly, I use CDs and DVDs to play any games I bought on optical media before I started using Steam (or before they were available on Steam). Other than that, the only thing I use my drive for is making mix CDs for friends, which I actually do relatively often.

Performance is better. My system uses about the same resources as it did with Windows 7, but it seems more responsive. Modern apps don't open up super fast but once you're in them, they're wonderfully fast to use. Start up on my computer is about 10-15 seconds compared to about 20 seconds with Windows 7. The biggest

Honestly, this is probably the only gripe I have about Windows 8. I want my Aero back.

Idk, the solid colors seem so contrasted and bold to me. Like when I open notepad, which I frequently do to jot down quick ideas or things, I'm completely distracted by the rich color staring out at me, whereas aero was nice and subtle and the focus was not on the border but on the content of the window. But to each

Except... it's not deficient to Windows 7 in a number of ways. The start menu is replaced by a better search function (and seeing how that was the main function of the start menu in Windows 7, this is a good thing), the hot corners (especially the top and bottom left ones) provide easy access to see what apps are