
Whenever I’m near an abandoned building gathering lava cores, I just use the building as a respite. Biological horrors can’t get in and attack you, allowing you to heal. Sentinels can’t get you when you’re in the building and it starts the countdown until your wanted level goes away. This is also useful also for

I don’t comment much on these sites, but I wanted to say, when I heard people were leaving the ex-gawker sites, my first thought was please don't let Joanna be one of them. And now this. You'll be so missed, and also please don't leave come back

I mean, there haven’t really been any delays so far? It was announced, we were told they were shooting for a 2015 release with no more specifics, there was the deal with Sony, and now they’ve announced it’ll be June 2016. I don’t think the 2015 release date was ever like, OK it WILL be out then. It was sort of a “we

This was a long time coming. I’ve had panic attacks over some of the memories / people that fb was bringing up, and it wasn’t pleasant.

It seems like your sample size is small and biased, then.

There’s nothing in my culture that says that acid attacks are okay, nor do acid attacks only take place in India. It’s hardly accurate to say this is an “Indian cultural phenomena.” The fact that some people commit these type of acts doesn’t mean it’s valid to suddenly condemn the entirety of India for it.

How often do you read about Indian men though, outside of the news?

Well, I definitely don’t consider myself racist or misogynistic (I try to be a feminist however I can), but I may be wrong I guess.

Again, you say the caste system has no place in modern society, and my entire point is that India’s government and many people in India do not support the caste system and are actively trying to abolish it. In addition, the caste system exists mostly in uneducated, rural parts of the country - i.e. the less modern

The thing is, I don’t see that article as claiming that Indians specifically have a propensity toward rape. Even that sentence is one I agree with, though I may take issue with the word particularly. But I definitely think it’s true that India does have a large problem with gang rape - and for the record, I am Indian.

I never saw that article, but... I agree with it. The “#NotAllMen” movement is stupid, and while it’s true that no, not every man out there is a rapist, every man out there still grew up in a patriarchal society.

The caste system is not a simplistic hierarchy, nor has it always been as bad as it is now. Before colonialism, the caste system was very flexible, and there are records of people from the lower castes who became kings. The caste system was not meant to oppress people, but to give them roles in society, because you do

Oh yeah, because that’s really representative of my *entire* culture, right? All Indians do that. All Indian men are really horrible people who just rape women all the time. All Indians are against love marriages. All Indians believe in a caste system. And these things are all perfectly legal in India.

But how did the silverback gorilla not realize his mistake? Was he not looking out the window to see if the stripper saw? Did he not hope for a beckoning finger, or perhaps some mutual disrobing? Was he just staring at the ceiling with his dick hanging out?

Now you reminded me of DA2. Why is the world so cruel?

I’ve had Shake Shack and In-N-Out, and I disagree with you so much - the simple deliciousness of a burger with animal fries can’t be beat.

I just graduated from the UA and am no longer in Tucson... things like this make me miss it. Ah, the rains and the flooding and the streets turning into rivers.

They were - Deinonychus antirrhopus was once placed into the wrong genus and called Velociraptor antirrhopus. That’s what Crichton used when calling them Velociraptors.

Ten days after the article, but hopefully someone sees this...

I am actually a college journalist at my school paper, and we got the first five episodes of the series as well. Three of us watched it together over the last few days, and we just finished tonight.

I really, really thought it’d be horrible. The first three

Then you should go watch the song “Kaate nahin kat te” from the original Mr. India. It’s a really great song (and was a really great movie, unlike this crap remake). Note for when you’re watching it: In red light, the hero is visible cause the device he uses to make himself invisible doesn’t work in red.