
I enabled two-factor authentication on my google account just a week ago (yeah, really late, I know), and I've been using MightyText for months and this was the first thing that bothered me. Though someone would still first have to be using MY laptop/desktop for this to be a problem... so I guess just be really

So you're telling me it's okay if our media is dominated by male-heavy shows that are sexist towards female characters and erase and silence them? That's not a problem at all? That has no repercussions?

How many of those women with agency are women of color? How many of those women are treated just like men are in Westerosi society? How many of those women understand the role the patriarchy play in their lives and actively seek to combat it, and manage to criticize society without also criticizing other women in the

I never said that. I actually specifically said earlier that that's not what I'm saying. But okay.

Uh, but they're replacing her with Trystane. Is it somehow easier to build up Trystane and give him a history and so on? Trystane has almost no lines in the book - why not just keep it that way? Simple introduction - Doran calls Trystane his son, Arianne mentions the betrothal to Myrcella at some point, and that's it.

While I understand that the show doesn't have air time to include everything in the books, the fact remains that they have enough air times to add scenes that weren't in the books and don't add to the plot (Pod and the prostitutes, or Tyrion and Jaime's convo before Oberyn's duel, Missandei and Grey Worm's romance),

The problem isn't that oh no, they left one random female character out. The problem is WHO they left out.

One book? I could probably write five, plus another two.

Sauron only made the One himself. The other rings were forged by Celebrimbor of Eregion. Celebrimbor was an elf and one of the greatest craftsmen of his time. Sauron offered the Elves the knowledge to make the rings of power. The 9 and the 7 were made by Celebrimbor under Sauron's guidance, which is why they corrupt.

Question for you all: I have Europa Universalis III but I never really got into it, though I tried to. I might want to try my hand at another strategy game, though. Would you say that CKII is a good game to start with, or should I not buy it now in case there's a sequel coming out soon? Or perhaps EUIV since it's

It's also relatively inaccurate, so please don't check it out.

Where I live, I only have one ISP option unless I want to go to sub 2 Mb/s speeds. Where's the competition in my area when my ISP has a monopoly? Are they going to voluntarily split themselves into multiple companies to create competition, even though it'll hurt their own profit margins? Do you really think that?

A friend of mine started having computer problems a few months ago with her Windows 7 installation, and so I lent her my Ubuntu LiveCD so she could at least get her data off the computer. She didn't have enough money to get someone to professionally repair the computer, and a reinstall of Windows didn't work; every

But the average joe doesn't care about the extra stuff or likes it, and anyone who does care buys a nexus phone or something else that is close to stock android (like the Moto X, say). Not every android phone comes with carrier apps; it's not like it's a feature of android or something.

They recommend a GTX 660, but that "only" has 2 GB of graphics memory, not 3... What does have 3 GB of graphics memory and isn't exorbitantly priced?

Vote: Moleskine Notebook

Not sure about the first one, but I've heard bad stuff about the makers of GO Launcher. Can't remember if it was on Gizmodo or Lifehacker, but a huge bunch of people were saying that they are a Chinese company that mines your data. The launcher itself was good and I enjoyed it, but I did promptly uninstall it after

I can't decide what's worse, the crash that probably would ensue from this, or destroying your game's CD/the xbox itself because of the bumps and turns.

Is there a version of this widget for actual android phones? Because if so, I can't find it. Almost every weather widget that I've seen has a background or isn't just text, like I want.

At least you don't have to find an airport, eh?