Haha no worries. Have a good weekend!
Haha no worries. Have a good weekend!
Okay. If that was the intention behind your statement, then it is technically correct, but also utterly baffling. THAT is the part that struck you as "odd" about xiaomao's post? Not the implications that (a) all men are violent and (b) men are not people?
WHAT? Your statement is just as odd. Women don't deliberately get cancer. But people deliberately hurt other people. And statistically, the majority of violence is perpetrated by men against women.
Um, WHAT? Women can be violent psychopaths, too. It's less common, but it happens. But I *am* okay with a very awesome little family now. Thanks!
Because his then-wife (that being me) called the police and reported that he got off on hurting children (even if they were simulated children). The police called the FBI, who called back then then-ex-wife, and they had a conversation.
Thank you. It's all in the past now, no worries. I have a very gentle partner and three large dogs now, so I sleep *very* well. :)
Thank you! Now I'll just have to supervise my dogs to play with those kittens very nicely!
Why, thank you!
Oh yes. He's on an FBI watch list, and I'm living my dream life. :)
Jesus Christ. Why do sick fucks get off on hurting other people? That bit about porn moving toward pretending to rape terrified preteen girls made me want to punch somebody. When I first met my ex, I was a very "young" 17 (as in, 17 going on15), and he asked me whether I had ever had rape fantasies. I told him, nope,…
I can't. I'm sorry, maybe I'm some kind of whacko. Handshake though?
Huh? I was thinking that having minimal home maintenance means you live in a really GREAT home!
I don't disagree with anything you say. I just don't know why you appear to be striking an argumentative tone (it could just be me though, "tone" of written words is famously difficult to pin and easy to misinterpret) when you don't appear to disagree with my original post, either.
Vaginal, oral, and other kinds of sex are also "addictive" and not entirely harmless. So are eating cheese, sunbathing, rock climbing, and hitting the snooze button six times when you are snuggled into freshly laundered flannel sheets in wintertime. Yet these other things are neither banned, nor illegal. Much like…
Okay...? Then substitute "anal sex" for the word "homosexuality" in everything I typed and I still stand by it.
I guess that's reasonable!
That's *precisely* my point. It pisses me off.
No worries. Have a good day!
That sucks!
In NO WAY did I imply that fake-numbering was something I didn't do or didn't recommend. I am lamenting the world we currently have.