
Thanks! I guess I totally called it, eh? :)

Wow you're an asshole. (I deduced that from context clues.)

Wha? How do you know how old she is?

It's got fangs! And nasty, pointy, teeth!

Looks like a good hare day. Hope she takes good care of him and doesn't suffer premature hare loss.

Ooooh you caught me being hypocritical! :) I didn't say I don't gobble this shit up; I do, like Cheez-Its.

"It was fucking gross.

I'm sure they've already made up and are just fucking with you media snoops.

Well, you know. I suck it up.

Not necessarily. I have retired sled dogs; I walk them on leashes because they are bad under voice control (tend to be selectively deaf). But when we encounter other dogs, they prefer them off-leash. Then they can all sniff butts and say hello. If the other dog is also on a leash, then almost always all of the dogs

You'd be surprised how well dogs understand property lines. In my rural neighborhood, quite a few dogs hang around in their own yards, even with no fences, and don't ever walk to the end of their own driveways unsupervised. Also... not all place have sidewalks! Don't envision that everyone is in a city, like you!

Maybe your dogs are territorial and hostile because they are a reflection of you. My dogs don't leave my property, but holy shit if I heard you walking down the street with yours, shouting at my to keep my "fucking" dogs in my "fucking" yard, *I'd* probably retreat into my house. And maybe call the troopers and report

Why, thank you!

Haha I had been about to confess to shouting at my old pet rat, Einstein:

That sounds delicious, and I want one.

Now we are talking about why we are talking about something. How meta.

Yeah, describing one's own dogs as "territorial-as-fuck" when out on a walk (i.e., not their own territory), and the other dog as "mosying over to say hello" from its own property does not make oneself sound like the injured party here.

Wait—you are against dogs being off-leash in their own yards? Do not excuse your dogs' aggressive behavior by saying they are "territorial". If you on a public street, it's not "their" territory, and if you're in front of my house, dog etiquette indicates that it's ours. If my dogs approach yours, as long as they

Thanks for the nightmares!

Hm so many thoughts. (1) The engineer in me is impressed by the level of detail in the mannequin. (2) "rib-bearing" does not necessarily equal thin. I'm a rather hefty medium-size, and my ribs stick out. In fact, I'm embarrassed by them because I don't think they are aesthetically pleasing. I avoid low-cut tops. (3)