I'm San Francisco born and raised, and a Berkeley grad to boot. Them's my treehugger credentials. And I think one more person in the world does WAY more environmental damage (killing way more animals as collateral, even if said person is a vegan all his or her life) than an already-alive person does by buying…
The harder you push yourself to find a partner by a self-decided deadline, the lower your standards.
Wow that is. That is. Brilliant!
I love the positive side effects of my birth control pills so much that I've stayed on them continuously since I was 18 (I'm 36 now), even when I wasn't gettin' any. I don't have bigger boobs though. Where are my bigger boobs?
She also says elsewhere that holding strangers' babies is an expectation of being human. That CANNOT BE SANE.
Are you kidding with this?!? I wouldn't even let someone hold my dog's leash if they didn't like dogs. No way in hell would I expect an absolute stranger to hold my kid!
Sometimes their assholes WHAT?!?
Are you seriously suggesting that the financial burden of raising children should be divided equally among parents and non-parents alike?
Ah, hell. No reusing condoms then?
Rubber *is* organic (carbon-based).
It's awesome that all kinds of industries are thinking about sustainability, but I really don't think that anyone refrains from using condoms because they might not be made from ethically-sourced rubber.
She is not only lovely, but she can sure turn a phrase!
I am sympathetic toward the OP, but this is an excellent point!
Oh don't you worry. I am a cold bitch when it comes to exes. :)
*I* appreciate your candor. I have been mesmerized by this thread all day, although I haven't responded until now. I think it was obvious in your first post that you were still second-guessing your decision, but at the end of the day, we each have one life to live, sometimes we take a leap of faith, and sometimes we…
Oh yeah! I finally lived a full year single (nothing beyond casual dating), found that taking care of myself was really easy seeing as I'd been with neglectful and absentee partners for years, embraced singledom, and then—just as every stereotype has it—fell hard and fast for Mr. Arvay when we had both determined that…
One of them told me that when he went to clean our our shared storage unit, the rental person asked him whether my name should still be on there. He replied, "Yes. Anything of mine will always also belong to Arvay. I'll take care of her for as long as I live." She got all teary-eyed.
I've had several back to back relationships where the guy treated me poorly and would not compromise one bit. When I walked away, they played it tough (and, I should say, politely and kindly) and said, essentially, "Fine. I wish you well. Have a nice life." Within a few months, every one without exception called me…