
She's pretty for a Nordic look. I grew up in California, and to me, dark hair, eyes, and skin were prettiest. Now I live in Alaska, where more of the white people are of Nordic heritage than I am used to. At first, I was all, ugh, what is up with all of these pasty pale people with translucent skin? But now I see that

The one of Naomi Campbell is stunning! No wonder she's a bajillionaire.

Good call.

Jesus Christ, can we stop talking about this family already?

Yeah, that's... that's exactly what the author meant by her remarks.

Ask every woman who's ever been told she was "pretty for a black girl."

A room full of women made him uncomfortable... in a gender studies class... he didn't see the burning irony?

It's the same as putting down a dog whose mental faculties have lapsed and who has attacked his own family. He's a danger to his family and society, and he would not enjoy a life chained to a kennel for the rest of his life. Putting him down is actually the most humane choice.

Wow. All best wishes to both of you!


I always thought Valentine's Day was a good day to confirm when you've had a mutual crush on someone. To those of us who are either freely single or firmly entrenched in relationships, it's really just another fake holiday where we don't get a day off work.

No-one's ever given me a slug. :(

Oh Valentine's Day is coming up? Awesome! It's the day right before my favorite holiday—National Half-Priced Chocolate Day! Stock up, everyone!

Serious question for You People. I am American of Chinese descent. My ex husband was a conventionally attractive Chinese-American dude who violently and brutally abused me for three years until I walked away. I had PTSD and had nightmares about his face for about three years afterwards. Fast forward ten years. Now I

Ah. I see. Thank you! I'm so happy for her that her parents and other community members have been so supportive!

If she started identifying as a girl at the age of two, how on earth did that one shitsmear even know she was physiologically male? I mean, how would anyone know outside of the family? I feel like to know this about yourself at such a young age would be a tremendous advantage in that you never have to deal with your

Please give us back our cold.


""hmm, good teeth, strong physique, clearly a good physical specimen... must be his race!" Is that, to you, a normal way for a human to think about another human, and not, say, a show pony, for example?"

I don't consider myself racist. I've always gotten along quite fine in professional, academic, social, and familial settings with no more or less respect or affection for any race or other. On the whole, I find some races more aesthetically attractive than others. If that is what you call "blatantly racist", then