
I am diabetic, and have to give props to a co worker who made me a beautiful chocolate cake ... and was so proud of making it as sugar free as she could ... to the extent of melting down sugarfree *maltitol* based chocolate candy to make the ganache and such for it.

I live in small town rural Connecticut, we go to an Asian grocery in Hartford CT that has the most amazing junk food aisles. I see I need to go browsing again! [I normally go for the red bean paste jelly rectangles, and one or two pockeys]

Ok, without slogging through 250 + responses, what the FUCK was someone doing flying/traveling out of their country of origin within 3 months of delivery? And on vacation rather than an emergency? Hell, they don't want you taking a cruise vacation after 4 months ...

Hell, take it all the way, snap a pic of your driver and send it to someone ... if they knew you had a good clear picture of their face it *might* dissuade someone from raping or robbing you ... but it is a shame you need to be *scared* of getting into a cab.

There are some pretty incredible gamers around. Some total assholes, but a lot of really great people.

Or doing just under the speed limit, and hitting the brakes because there is a cop on the other side of a divided highway with someone pulled over@_@

I drink ice water instead of snacking, the colder the water the better. And I can drink anywhere from 2 liters to 4 liters of water in any given day. Better water than junk food! And I have noticed that if I eat after 8 pm, I burp and have acid reflux all night, so I don't eat after 8 pm. Doesn't have anything to do

I knew Vile Rat ... he taught me a lot - I guess the sight of a relative newbie running a newb frigate 36 jumps through goonspace amazed him enough to take an interest in shepherding a baby pilot unofficially with tips and occasional hours of training on the test server and pretty much hours of conversation on

There really is no 'beating' a MMO, though you can do things like complete all the PvE achievements, or all the PvP achievements. Make one of everything in Weaponsmith, collect all the assorted recipes, make your top end weapons/armor ... you set your win point. My win point may be entirely different. I like

Hm. I make a good fruitcake, but I also candy my own peels and fruits. I also make various 'puddings' - figgy pudding and plum pudding both [traditionally, wrapped in cloth and simmered in water for a long long time.] And I make both vegetarian and carnivore mincemeat - I prefer carnivore, using 18th and 19th century

Not really unethical, that is what places like the lab I work with does, get a bunch of people, give them stuff, and do things with them ... I have done stuff ranging from flu shots [type of injection, type of flu bugs chosen, location of injection, injection with other injections in combination] drugs [guaifenesin -

I do medical guinea pigging [for fun and profit, I get paid to get medical stuff done, mainly drug and vaccine testing] and *every* time I get a vaccination, I get titres done to confirm the level of antibodies in my blood at certain periods after the vaccination.

LOL this! Back when I was writing contracts, and then dealing with billing violations if I didn't get a contract written, or that check for a million plus cut, it would have been my job.

I do buy the economy plus seat. And as big business seems to think paying someone more than absolute minimum wage is somehow going to bring about the collapse of the world, most of us can't seem to get any sort of income where we can save more. And before you tell me it sucks and I should get a college degree, I

Speak for yourself. If they turned all economy seating back into what is now economy plus and simply priced it back at the equivalent of economy plus, people would pay. Pointing out that you can already go economy plus is not useful ... it points out how valuless they consider the BULK of the customers at economy. I

All of this assumes that you have a choice in your sleep position. I can NOT sleep on my back, I am a side or stomach sleeper. To the point of not being able to fall asleep on my back side or stomach sleeper. As in stayed awake in hospital for 36 hours until things were modified to let me sleep on my side or stomach

So ... how much is the over 2 L tax on that thing going to be?

Cooking on a woodstove is wicked good - in addition to always having a teakettle simmering along for instant cups of tea, a nice pot of soup simmering along makes the place smell wonderful, and you have soup as well! I bought my wood stove specifically to use for cooking in the winter. I just wished my living room

Back when I was still working, I made a habit of extreme organization. I dealt in contract compliance for a major corporation so at any given time I was working on anything up to hundreds of individual contracts in various stages of completion. I also had a condition that could flare up making me call out of work on

Sorry, I am a boomer, and the only debt my husband and I have is the mortgage on our house [when we bought at $91 000 instead of the $200 000 or so the real estate people were trying to convince us to spend.] We buy used vehicles when they are off lease, and have no expensive hobbies. We will have the place paid off