
My first car was a 58 Nash Metropolitan that was 3 years older than me =) I bought it in 1977 when I was 16 and sold it 2 years later for double what I paid for it. Never gave me any problems, was still in excellent condition except for a fairly worn driver's seat, so I put seat covers on.

I beta-tested the game, and rolled up my first toon when it went live. I played to level 60, and got up to the moon. I had a forced hiatus thanks to working and didn't get back until just after Cataclysm and the world split, and pretty much every damned zone got fucked up so it was nothing like when I started. Pandas

You forgot the Improved LA - 688I =)

Valium, get it from your doctor, get on the plain, take one, go to sleep. Really, they have programs for people with plane phobias, and one of the things they can do is to trank you for the flight.

Old school kitty litter, not the scented clumping crap, the old style clay. Also known as *sweeping compound*. Or hell, wander into the freaking bathroom, rummage in the laundry bin for a towel, carry over to spill, drop on and woodge around until it is all soaked up, wander back to laundry bin and toss it in. Take

And this is why I loved my 79 IH Scout ... I could bypass the entire ignition system, and rig a manual throttle to replace the broken accelerator pedal and drive home to Eastern CT from southern NJ without having to pay for either a tow or garage bill.

Eh, I have my aerogarden growing by my bedside/adjoining my computer desk. It turns itself on at 5 am and of at 11 pm, and produces the best genovese basil. For a sound alarm, I use my smartphone.

Eh, I have my aerogarden growing by my bedside/adjoining my computer desk. It turns itself on at 5 am and of at 11

As a retired forensic accountant ... I loved playing EVE =) It was just like work, but instead of not being able to bitch people out for being idiots, I could take to the skies and kill their ships then pod their asses for being idiots. Talk about fun =)

Ah, the problem with most people is they just grab any 688I pic off the web instead of making sure it wasn't stationed in Hawaii instead of NLON as the boat in the story is =) At least they didn't do what someone else did and while discussing an improved LA grabbed a Sturgeon .. though how someone can mistake the

The lower picture with the 688I. My husband was on both the San Juan and the Miami and it resembles the Miami more strongly than the SJ [the way the missile hatches are arranged fore the sail and the way the SEAL delivery vehicle is mounted aft the sail.

Yay. And can we poor people who *can't* afford $40K for wheels get a manual on something more like $16K ... ?

Going from what I can see, the now melted down Miami? Or at least that is what the area before the sail looks like, I don't think it is the San Juan.

I do crush road trips if I absolutely have to get somewhere - I start out fully rested, drive until I am tired [first day is usually a good solid 12 or 14 hours] then find a rest area *with people* [I am female] and nap for about 1 sleep cycle [in me that runs an hour and a half] then I comb my hair, go pee and tank

I am thinking Buffalo Club ... Been there a couple times back in the 1970s and while I never did a sit down meal there, I did a couple hors d'oeuvre buffet receptions there and it strikes me as something they would have served back then.

If the chef tossed it on the flat top to grill the outside, if the steak is about 1.5 inches thick then the inside is thawed and cold. Been there, done that. I happen to like raw beef and make my own steak tartar but have been known to get a frozen steak 'touched up' on a flat top or grill. If the steak is thin, under

Or to those of us who live paycheck to paycheck and *our* beloved pet gets to where the vet bill is going to be more than $100 or so, we have to put them to sleep because we can afford either the mortgage payment or to treat our pet ... that is as much as my husband makes in a year plus what little I get in disability

I am another one that wants to be used for science - I am dead, I am not using my body for anything important at that point in time. While I do actually have a plot with the rest of my family, I want whatever is left to be cremated and really don't care what happens to my ashes. They can flush me if they really want

Not sure it would actually be actionable ... if they were calling them self mayonnaise, that would be an issue, they are calling them self mayo - mayo is technically not mayonnaise ...

Hm, cheddar is not difficult to make, though you do need raw milk to do it best [you can add something to homogenized milk to get it to react properly] and you do need a bacteria to add for proper flavor. Cheddaring is adding the rennet and bacteria to raw milk and letting it sit in a warm oven of about 110F until it

One of the reasons I shifted to Guild Wars 2 - everybody who manages to tag any mob can loot it so if 10 people tag a cue little [very dead] wolf, every person can loot it. Just like every resource spawn can be mined/chopped down/plucked - one of the most fucking annoying things in WoW was killing my way to an ore