
I came here looking for tiny penis memes...and said fuck it. Made my own.

Not. My. President.

I am also from the south, was a brainwashed conservative kid and thought I was saving myself for marriage. There was no social media and the Confederate Flag flew high on many local businesses.

Some people pay thousands of dollars to go to seminars/retreats, just to learn how to turn their phones off. I have no choice but to conclude that people like us are ahead of the whole game.

No one said it was easy. Did you see a sign somewhere that life was easy?

That fact that someone needed to come up with a term to describe applying self-discipline is completely reflective of the problem. Everything needs to be catchy. Everything needs a hashtag and a meme. Everything needs a blog post.

With all the information available on the internet about how wrong blackface is and all the stories about people who have been called out how can a teenager, who has lived with the internet since they were born, not know this.

Screw you. The USA is the most racist, the biggest racist, the greatest. I mean, the biggest, best, most freeist, most racist. The best.

Shockingly, Eastern Europe is pretty fucking racist.

see, NoOnesPost is what you would call a poseur, they sound off concise and sarcastic phrases in an attempt to sound smart and humorous and above-it-all, when what they are actually being is lazy and insecure. they lurk in these parts.

do you really think they’re being willfully obtuse, or did you mean to say “latter?” i suspect it’s the latter. what a tremendous insight that provides of your own intellect.

what kind of argument is this? when there needs to be open and intentional conversation about identity, narrative, race, history, this kind of childish retort is so counterproductive and infuriating.

Its a very slippery slope when art can be criticized not for its intent, but for what feelings and opinions it elicits from its audience. And this doesn’t just apply to static sculpture, this applies to all forms of art; music, film, etc.

If “I’m offended” is now the standard to have art removed from public, God help

Blowing a bunch of local cops is merely power/influence adjacent. She will learn that soon enough.

“Much like my grandfather when he talked about Pearl Harbor, I did not see this action coming”

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

Lions, too. LIONS!! THEY ARE GAY PRIDES, how can you possibly be against that?

But... there really are gay elephants.

Well, to view it consensually you would have to click on a descriptive link first. Given that's not how the comments works, I'd say that's a no.

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.