
ok kiddo, how’s that?

To death. I should clarify that in this fantasy he definitely chokes to death.

Am I the only one who wakes every morning praying that I’ll hear he choked on a chicken bone in the middle of the night? Surely I’m not.

Well done!

Came here to say this. Non-line? No thanks, that sounds incredibly stupid. It’s probably very different for young people who never lived without the internet, but since I lived about 17 years without it, I’ve never seen it as something that defines me. I use it when I need it, I put it away when I don’t.

Maybe just

Funny how he even refers to himself as a “kid”. I’m sure that was fed to him by his parents and their lawyer. I’m white, grew up in Kentucky, and I’m 37. At 16 years old, 20 years ago, I could’ve told you this shit was racist and ignorant in an instant.

She’s the only one that is close to getting it.

Yeah maybe willfully obtuse, because you were being a passive aggressive dickhead, so there ya go. You get what you give.

That’s a slippery concept. Are you going to be the one to inform everyone when their opinion is and is not appropriate to be voiced? Who decides on a case-by-case basis?

Always makes me think of Q-Tip’s line “we made it cool to wear medallions and say hotep”.

It’s downright rampant! I see male dogs trying to hump other male dogs pretty much everyday.

What makes Shygurl’s opinion any less relevant than anyone else’s? It’s one thing to voice an opinion, it’s another thing to act like someone shouldn’t have one.

Hahaha you mad troll.

Haha this guy’s mad cause he got a babydick.

How about you go fuck yourself and if you’re offended, don’t click on the article, because you have that option. If you want some list of naked Disney princesses and that will make you feel good, then make the illustrations and the list and create a popular blog and post that shit and there you go. Better get to work,

Great point. Just FYI, after looking through of skankhunt30's posts, he’s clearly an angry racist troll, so just know that before you waste your breath trying to talk to him like he’s someone with any sense.

Goodbye you sad loser. You have nothing of substance and so you don’t get to talk your shit. You’re dismissed!

You are very confused. Trump spends his time starting Twitter feuds and playing golf - what more pressing matters are you talking about? What is it that all his hard work has accomplished in the first 100+ days of his presidency? Taking healthcare away from millions of Americans and pissing off most of our allies?


Don’t be dense. This happens to be one of the things that comes with the job of President. Did you not know that or just don’t care? You’re either dumb or rude, so fuck you either way.

Fuck him. This blood is on his hands in my opinion. He has helped this kind of bullshit to come out loud and proud in the USA. White supremacists now see themselves as a minority group that deserves protection and a voice in public society. We’re fucked and it’s been rising for a long time, but he opened the fucking