
You think it sounds far-fetched that a white cop in Texas (who thinks it’s okay to let a 14 year old drive a car in traffic - don’t even get me started on that, because you know he wouldn’t be okay with some other parent letting their 14 year old drive) who felt a black woman had disrespected his authority would call

Do you believe that white people in the United States are victimized by the racist attitudes of black people?

I fully agree. I am a white male, and I know as much as my own efforts in life matter, a large part of what I have and how I’m treated and viewed is due to being born a white man in America. A lot of white people seem to want to pretend that we operate on a level playing field when we clearly do not. Maybe it makes

I know. I think if I was as much of a loser as that guy, I’d just love seeing people talk about me. Sad!

me too!

Yeah I mean words matter, but not to racist shitheads. Plus, I know that loser’s name, he’s been pulling this shit for so long, it’s weird that he really never runs of steam with his trolling. Pun intended.

I love this show so much more than I thought I could love a Hulu show. Great source material. That being said, every week the show puts me into a worse headspace because sadly I can imagine most of the future the show presents becoming reality in the future.

100%. The cognitive dissonance it takes to be a conservative in the U.S. these days is mind boggling. I’d feel sad for pieces of shit like this if they weren’t doing so much to fuck up things for the rest of us.

I can imagine it’s gotta be lonely being an internet troll, it just seems like such a fucking waste of time, but hey, I like having friends, doing things outside, having sex, going to bars, meeting people in real life - you know, things other than weakly harassing people from my bedroom in between bouts of jerking

The thing is, even if there was video it wouldn’t matter. Only racists are demanding video evidence, and if it was there, they’d say “well, we don’t know what happened before the camera started rolling”, or they’d just decide to not give a shit because that racist cop is only saying what they all WANT to say.


Oh yeah since some racist prick asked - I AM a white man. No I don’t hate all white people, or cops, but I do hate people like this, regardless of the job they chose or skin color they were born with.

The term snowflake is the best term ever to describe people like this. And you just know they’re the kind of people who LOVE the term snowflake in relation to anything left-of-center.

Now playing

Spot on. That’s my boilerplate definition of police in the U.S. This Sarah Silverman show clip sums it up perfectly.

Well since I happen to be a white man, I wouldn’t personally say all of them, because I can’t understand the mindset that cowards like this manboy adopt. I say fuck these people in relation to people who operate like that.

This is a burner, but I’ve been around for awhile and know his bullshit well. I wonder if he’ll ever realize no one gives a fuck about his shitty opinions.

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

Any idea how difficult they are to grow? Can someone living in the city do it at home?

For real? I would be very interested. How risky is using them?

Mostly true I think. I’ve never had a “bad” trip, but I had a couple I could’ve done without, and the friends that I’ve been with who experienced bad trips always had some underlying issue going on in their lives that hit them harder than they expected when they were tripping.