
His daughter has helped enable what’s happening to our country and helps a LOT to distract Trump’s base from what’s really going on in the country. The fact that you defend her says a lot about you and nothing about the rest of the country. It says that you’re a fucking apologist for these assholes. Delete your

No way she can’t escape the shitstorm she helped to create. She needs to drown with this fucking ship.

And for the record, motherfuckers like you got bent out of shape over everything Obama did and did not do. Go die in a fire please.

Who could love a Trump spawn?

Go fuck yourself Ivanka made her bed. She’s complicit not innocent you bootlicker.

Go fuck yourself Ivanka made her bed. She’s complicit not innocent you bootlicker.


You know it’s comedy right? It’s not a political stump speech.

Personally I think the first one was incredible and the second one was awkward because the crowd is a lot of middle aged white Texans who can’t laugh at shit. He owes no apology, what a stupid thing for Yesha to say.

You know I admit that I was frustrated with the wypipo term for awhile because I have always hoped we could actually move past racism one day (naive, I know) and I worried that the term was divisive just for the sake of being divisive.

In the last few days, from this article and several others, I’m finally getting it.

This story gets worse every time it happens. The worst part is the unarmed dead man, followed by the walk to freedom the cop will take after he’s never even charged with a crime.

The new guy at work got one of these for everyone on our team and he’s now king of the office. We’re all fucking addicted to them.

The new guy at work got one of these for everyone on our team and he’s now king of the office. We’re all fucking

My only regret is that I don’t know where to find his grave to pay my respects in piss.

In a world with any logic and justice her conviction for first degree murder and nothing less would be a layup. There is no justice and no logic.

Fuck this country.

I want to go back to bed so that I can wake up to this news one more time.

Dance party on his grave - who’s in?

That’s disappointing. That’s serious defamation and this asshole should have had to shell out six figures.

Please stop with your health speak.

I really hope this man gets help. I also really hope that he’s encouraged to get that help during and after a long stay in federal prison where he can sit and consider his fucked up life choices that led to this incident.

If he gets the shit kicked out of him during his stay, I’m not gonna be crying for him.