It does.
It does.
I also do typically try to stick with my original decisions. In this case though, that ended up with both Frank and the dog dead....
Ah yes, the elusive Emerald Dream.
I’ve been hearing about it as an idea ever since Vanilla.
I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, but you’re right. He probably hasn’t taken any martial arts classes.
Their studio is in the UK so it probably is British. Maybe they outsourced the voice actor...although as many have said, it would be better off without.
I think you should start from the first one, Suikoden. There are some recurring characters, and it’s interesting to see how the world changes from one game to the next.
Because that’s too many syllables.
Yeah, that joke was a bit too obscure for me since it’s been 4 years since I played Portal 2.
Except... she’s not fat at all.
And...sold out. =/
And...sold out. =/
Shame to see talent like this wasted on mobile gaming.
Except there’s a picture of them calling them katana on this very page. 刀 is the kanji for it.
What kind of JRPG fan owns an Xbox?
Considering it's not out yet, I don't think anyone can say for certain.