I’ve bought Okami on every platform it’s been released on.
I’ve bought Okami on every platform it’s been released on.
Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large…
Then you shouldn’t pirate it either. Have the balls to actually stand by your beliefs instead of accusing them of manipulating people to rip them off while simultaneously intimating that people should play a game without paying for it.
Every single one of those EA/DICE quotes has a disgusting amount of arrogance dripping off it. I really hope this burns them hard.
Or we could all collectively not buy it at all, and force EA to make a better, less shitty game.
Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.
1.) CNN isn’t objective about anything, but they do have an objective.
Thank you for not blindly accepting the Eggman retcon. Robotnik for life!
Context matters. The idea was that people should have firearms and be able to form a well-regulated militia when needed. So yea, it means any asshole can have a gun, because back then people brought their own guns to the militia. That is why the wording is as it is.
I still think the first game would have been perfect if it had just ended with them in the car and Ellie asking where they were going and Joel just saying “Home” cut to black. mic drop. Instead we got that dumb little sequence at the end that introduces ambiguity to a story that didn’t require any, something I feel is…
Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.
Happily admitting again that I was wrooooooong about the Switch. Congrats to Nintendo, and I’m looking forward to grabbing one.
Good point. Except they didn’t find trace amounts on her dollars.
There is, but it requires that you carry around another device with you, and if you do not already own one, spend another $100 (2DS) or $200 (3DS XL). People want a core Animal Crossing game, and they have a right to voice their opinion as much as people who are digging another f2p title with in app purchase. I would…
Apple has never cared about being first. Or even better. Just more stylish.
That’s the thing, the pilot is the ranking officer and company policy probably dictates that the person in charge of keeping the plane in the air is to isolate any threat to their ability to perform their duty. However, labeling someone a “threat” can have varying degrees, which leads me to believe that there is…
What happened to her is horrible. I’m not sure what her being a law student has to do with any of this.
I don’t wanna be “that guy,” but can we get a little clarity on this? Was she trying to get her stroller while she was still on the plane? Where was she going to put it? Was she trying to get off the plane with the stroller? Was everyone getting off the plane?
KOTAKU: loot boxes are bad because they are exploitive cash grabs.
Here’s a very uncomfortable truth we all need to face: victims get to handle this stuff however they wish but the RESULT of all of these people covering their own asses and keeping their mouths shut enabled this man do this for DECADES. Is there a woman in Hollywood who WASN’T harassed by this man? And don’t forget…